PBX Platforms - XactView V3 Linking Multiple PBXs
An Enterprise with Multiple PBXact servers can configure their PBXs such that each joins to a single running instance of XactView, and thereby get resources from all PBXs consolidated on a single XactView Dashboard.
Using XactView in linking mode with other PBXs is not considered a supported feature and has known limitations and is used at your own risk and setup and not something Sangoma Support will provide assistance with.
Licensing - Your XactView license will limit how many active PBX connections you can have at one time. For a combined PBX setup you will need a Additional Server connection purchased from the Sangoma Portal for your Master Server for each additional location you want to connect to this Master Server. To determine how many licenses you have, browse to XactViewV3 Admin Module, and check the line item for "PBX Connections".
PBX Trunking - Depending on the desired XactView Dashboard functionality, it may be necessary to create peer trunk(s) between the PBXs, this is assumed to be in place with proper outbound routing and trunks between all your system so that calls can be placed to extensions across all systems and not something that is handled by Sangoma
PBX Version - Ensure the latest available version of PBXact installed. You will need version 10.13.66-13 or higher
XactView Service - The XactViewServerV3 must be running on the XactView server that you will be connecting to. The commands to confirm are as follows:
service XactViewServerV3 status
service XactViewServerV3 restart
service XactViewServerV3 start
service XactViewServerV3 stop |
Clear Communication Path - There must be a clear communication path between the XactView and Remote Servers on Asterisk AMI port (5038 by default) and the XactView ports (58080 and 55050 by default) Configured the network environment as necessary.
Getting Started
It is assumed that a single PBXact server will be used to run XactView, which will be call the XactView Server throughout. This server alone requires the XactViewServerV3 service running. The other PBX to be joined to the XactView Server will be called the Remote Server throughout. This page details how to connect a single Remote Server, but the same instructions can be used to connect multiple Remote Servers, provided there are sufficient XactView connection licenses available.
IMPORTANT - The XactView module installs with default settings suitable for a single server setup. The first step is to browse to Admin, XactViewV3 Admin on ALL servers and disable (clear the checkbox) "Clean Unknown Items". Submit Changes and Apply Config. If for any reason, it is necessary to remove and reinstall the XactViewV3 Admin module, repeat this step. None of the servers sharing a single XactView instance should have this setting enabled. If this option is missing from the page at XactViewV3 Admin, the PBXact Version is out of date. Revisit the prerequisites above.
Configure the Remote Server to accept Asterisk Manager Connections from the XactView Server
On the Remote Server, browse to Settings, Asterisk Manager Users. The default AMI user for PBXact is cxpanel, but it is limited to connections from localhost only. Edit the Manager, and in the Permit field add a '&' character and the XactView Server host in the form: |
Configure the XactView Server to accept remote connections
Xactview is configured by default to only permit connections from localhost. On the XactView Server, locate the file:
/opt/xactview3/server/conf/security.xml |
Add the IP address of the Remote Server to the WhileList section of the XML file:
<IPAccess enabled="true">
</WhiteList> |
Restart the XactView service on the XactView server with:
service XactViewServerV3 restart |
Configure the Remote Server to connect to the XactView Server
On the Remote server, browse to Admin, XactView V3 Admin. Change the following fields to the FQDN or IP of the XactView Server:
Server API Connection Settings, Host
Asterisk Server Host
Module Client Link Settings, Client Host
Submit Changes, and Apply Config. There should be no need to change any settings on the XactView Server. Do not change the Server API Connection Server Name from 'default'.
XactView Users and Administrators
Once the above changes have been made, XactView users can be created on either the Remote or XactView server by following the instructions on this page. Similarly, XactView Administrators can be created by browsing to Admin, Administrators on either PBX, and creating or editing a new Administrator. You must Submit and Apply Config before user or Administrator permissions get synchronized to XactView.