PBX Platforms - XactView V2 Legacy Install Guide

PBX Platforms - XactView V2 Legacy Install Guide

Installing Xactview On A Client Computer.  THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOR VERSIONS OLDER THAN REVISION 3099.  PLEASE SEE XactView Installing Guide-PDF-JNLP for versions 3099 or newer.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - You need to verify which version of the XactView Server you have installed on your PBX.  To do this log into your PBX Admin GUI and click on the module called XactView.  You will then see the version number.  All versions prior to revision 3099 require you to download the client from our Download Section.  Make sure you download the same client as the Server Version Number.


  • Now we will launch the installer. The first screen that comes up lets you specify the profile name. For ease of use we recommend setting this to the users name.

    Click NEXT

  • We will now be brought to the host and port screen. Specify the IP address of your server and the port. NOTE: The port is typically left default.

  • Finally specify the Location, Tenant, Username, Password.

  • You can now click finish. Your Xactview client will connect to the server and then apply any updates that are available. If an update is applied your Xactview client may prompt you for a restart.

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