PBX Platforms - XactView V2 JNLP Install Guide
The install process has changed for systems running XactView Server newer then Revision 3099. Only use these instructions if you are using XactView Version 3099 or newer
IMPORTANT NOTICE - You need to verify which version of the XactView Server you have installed on your PBX. To do this log into your PBX Admin GUI and click on the module called XactView. You will then see the version number. All versions prior to revision 3099 require you to download the client and follow the instructions at XactView Installing Guide-PDF-LEGACY CLIENTS
You can also watch our video on Installing XactView here.
Uninstall any current client. Note: you will loose your profile settings if you have customized your layout you may want to screenshot it first so you can easily replicate your existing layout.
Go to the Operator Panel of your server - http://:2001/ and click Operator Panel.
Click Launch Now and save the lauch.jnlp to your system.
Launch the jnlp file.
Choose to trust the publisher, other wise it will prompt you every time you open XactView.
Accept the License.
Create your profile
The Location and Tenant Fields should already be populated, but as a general rule it should match the rules below.
In the case of premise based systems the location should be default
In the case of hosted systems the location should be the deployment id of the server
Enter the Username (Extension Number)
And the XactView Password for that user, secret by default (This can also be found the on the extension settings from the admin GUI)