PBX Platforms - XactView V3 Creating Users
You need to make sure your XactView Server is set to run in "Sync User Manager mode" which should be enabled by default from the XactViewV3 Admin module from your PBX Admin GUI
Creating Users to Login to XactView
If you have XactView V3 installed on your system you will notice some settings in the User Management page of your PBX Admin GUI. These settings are how we create users that can log into XactView.
Logging into our User Management Page on our PBX Admin GUI
Edit the user you want to enable XactView for by clicking the Edit icon
Navigate to the XactView tab at the top
Set the Add to XactView to Yes to allow this user to login to XactView with their User Manager username and password.
Press the Submit button when done at the bottom of page
You will now be able to log into XactView with your Username and Password for this user.
Created User Extension Settings
In the steps above we enabled a user to Login to XactView. Below we will now talk about user extension settings that can be set. These settings are managed in the Extension page
Logging into our Extension on our PBX Admin GUI.
Edit the Extension that you want to change extension settings for by clicking the Edit icon
Under the Other tab you will find XactView settings
You can set the following information
Add to XactView- Setting this to yes will make this user show up in XactView for other users to see.
Auto Answer- Setting this to yes will tell XactView when you use the Click to Dial from XactView to have your phone auto answer instead of ringing to connect your call.
Press submit when done.