Converting a Quote to an Order

Converting a Quote to an Order

  • If you are purchasing PBXact Cloud for a new location based on a quote you received from Sangoma Sales please follow this wiki.

  • Login into your SIPStation account at Home - PBXact Cloud


  • Once logged in you will need to create a new location (or a new PBX) that you want to place your order for, based on your quote that was created for you.
    Click "Create a New PBX" button


  • Once the location is created you will be directed to the "Add new services" page.
    You can see at the top left or in the top section of the body of the page notifications that you have quotes available to view.
    Click the Read More button or the Quotes Available menu item


  • From here you will see a list of all quotes that have been generated for you


Clicking the binocular icon will let you view the quote details.

Clicking the email icon will let you email a copy of the quote.

Clicking the checkmark icon will load the quote into the shopping cart and let you check out.

  • Once you are ready to make your purchase press the checkmark icon next to the quote you want to checkout with

  • If the quote includes a contract length you will need to review the Terms of Services (ToS) of the contract and digitally sign the contract.


  • The system will inform you that it will load all the quantities that were part of the quote into your shopping cart and take you through a wizard to buy the phone numbers you want to purchase along with any extra add-ons.

  • On checkout the number of Extensions (Lite or Full) will be pre-populated with the items from the quote you selected. You can make adjustments to the quantities at this stage (you will not be able to go with lower quantities that what was quoted).


  • Purchase local or Toll Free numbers and any other add-on services your would like and press the "Next" button until you are ready to check out


  • Walk through the checkout process and your order has now been completed.



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