Appliance USB to Serial Cable

Sangoma USB to Serial RJ45 cable is used to connect Sangoma appliances to a Linux or Windows workstation.

Windows Driver Download

  • Sangoma Appliance USB to Serial Cable Drivers

  • Connect using putty, hyperterminal  

Linux Drivers

  • Linux distros already have support by default.

  • Connect using minicom, putty

Mac Drivers

  • Mac Computers already have support by default.

  • connect using terminal

    • screen /dev/tty.usbserial-A9030ZAC 115200

    • Replace tty.usbserial-A9030ZAC with whatever usbserial shows up in /dev/

Sangoma Appliance Console Defaults

  • Speed: 115200n8 1

  • Hardware/Software flow control: disabled

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