Phones - Register Within Store
If purchasing phones from during checkout, you can provide redirect settings and when the phones ship they will be auto registered to your organization.
Add 1 or more phones to your shopping cart.
Go to the checkout process by pressing the Checkout button.
From here we can to enable the redirect service under Zero Touch Configuration and define where the phone should reach the PBX at for configuration information.
Redirection Type
IP/FQDN- Provide a IP Address or FQDN to redirect all provisioning requests from this MAC address to.
Deployment - This will show a list of PBX Deployments that you have setup in the portal and stored the provisioning information for.
For more information on how to store the provisioning information for your Deployment review our Wiki on Redirect Server setup wiki here.
If using IP/FQDN for Redirection Type fill in the following information
IP/FQDN Protocol-
HTTP- Will use HTTP with the IP address you define in the IP/FQDN Address field along with the port number. Enabled by default on your PBX but your port number may be different so please verify the port used for Phone Provisioning in your PBX System Admin module under Port Management section as shown in this wiki.
HTTPS- Will use SSL HTTP known as HTTPS with the IP address you define in the IP/FQDN Address field along with the port number. This will only work if you have HTTPS enabled on your PBX and have setup the proper ports for it in System Admin module Port Management section as shown in this wiki..
FTP- Will use FTP to pull configuration files. This requires your PBX to be setup with FTP provisioning and will require you to provide the username and password for the FTP user that you have setup in System Admin module under Provisioning Protocols section as shown in this wiki.
TFTP- Will use TFTP to pull the configuration files. Not recommended for remote phones.
IP/FQDN Address-
Define the address for the HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or TFTP.
When using HTTP or HTTPS you need to also define the port number in the IP address. By default your PBX should be setup for port 83 for HTTP provisioning but verify what port you have setup from the Port Management page of your System Admin module as outlined in this wiki in your PBX and if the phone is remote to the PBX you will need to make sure your firewall has this port opened. If your PBX is setup with a Username and Password for HTTP/HTTPS/FTP for phone provisioning as defined in the System Admin module under Provisioning Protocols section as shown in this wiki you need to include that in the IP/FQDN string as shown below.
If your PBX was setup with HTTP on port 83 your IP/FQDN address would be
If your PBX was setup with HTTP on port 83 and also a username and password enabled for provisioning your IP/FQDN address would be username:password@
When using FTP you will need to provide the Username and Password in the URL such as username:password@
If using Deployment for Redirection Type fill in the following information
Deployment - Start typing in the deployment ID or location name of the PBX you want to link this phone to. It will pull the redirection information such as protcol, address and port number from the deployment as outlined on Redirect Server setup wiki here.
When the phones get fulfilled and shipped to you they will be auto registered to your organization with the information you provide here.