Phones - Sangoma Phone Assignments

Phones - Sangoma Phone Assignments

When you select this option, it displays the Sangoma Phone Assignments page, which has three tabs: Desk Phones; Mobile Softphones; Unassigned Extensions. The Desk Phones tab is displayed with the Assigned Phones listed. 

To see the connection status of your Sangoma Phones, open Server > Connection Status, then click the SIP Phones tab. The SIP Phones Connection Status page describes the possible Phone States.

A Sangoma phone (a desktop Sangoma IP Phone or a Switchvox Softphone) can also be assigned using the Manage Phones action shown on each SIP Phone extension in the Manage Extensions List.

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Desk Phones Tab

A desk phone assignment defines the Switchvox SIP-Phone extension assigned to the MAC address of a Sangoma Phone. An assignment must define Line Key 1 as a Switchvox SIP-Phone extension, but an assignment can also define lines 2-6. Those lines can be another SIP phone extension on Switchvox, or an external extension. You can filter the phone assignments for viewing in a table from among the Assigned, UnassignedIgnored, or Hot Desking types. A search function allows you to enter any part of a phone's information to list it in the table.

  • Assigned Phones displays a table with following information for the assigned Sangoma phones. You can sort the information categories in ascending or descending order.

    • ​​​MAC Address for the Sangoma Phone

    • Model number for the Sangoma Phone

    • Configured By if the assignment was created by the Server (the Switchvox Web Suite, Bulk Import, or the Extend API), or by the Phone itself (using the numeric keypad to select the extension for Line Key 1). Server-based assignments cannot be changed from the phone itself.

    • User Details indicate the extensions assigned to the phone. Line 1 must be a Switchvox phone extension, but lines 2-6 (depending on the model of your Sangoma Phone) can be a Switchvox extension, or an external extension.

    • Actions. You can Modify or Delete an entry by clicking the desired action.

  • ​​Unassigned Phones displays a table of Sangoma Phones on the network that do not have a Switchvox extension assigned to them. The table displays the phone's MAC AddressModel number, and Modify or Ignore Actions.

  • Ignored Phones displays Sangoma Phones or Switchvox extensions that you do not want to assign, and you do not want to see in the Unassigned lists. If you want to delete a Sangoma Phone entirely from Phone Assignments, first ignore it, then you can delete it.

  • Hot Desking Phones displays Sangoma Phones that have been enabled for Hot Desking. The MAC Address of the phone is listed, along with the Model, if known - which will not be the case until the phone is first connected. The User Details are shown if a user is currently logged into the phone. The Modify action will take you to the Hot Desking page and select that phone to easily make your edit.

Desk Phones: Quick-Create Assignments Tool

TheQuick-Create Assignmentstab lets you quickly create multiple assignments. This is most useful if you have a barcode scanner, so you can scan each phone box, and easily associate it with the correct extension. 

Using this option, the extension is always assigned to Line 1. To add lines to a Sangoma Phone, modify an existing assignment.

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  • Populate Unassigned Extensions Button: This utility will import all system extensions that are currently unassigned and not ignored into the form. (When setting up Hot Desking phones, there is no assigned extension, so this option is disabled.)

  • Location: New desk phones can be assigned to a Location using this option. For more information, please see Switchvox Phone Locations.

  • Assign for Hot Desking: Disabled by default, this option configures the phone for Hot Desking. A Location is required when Hot Desking is set to Yes. Please note that all Sangoma Phones do not have the Log In/Out feature needed for Hot Desking. See Hot Desking with Switchvox for more information.

  • Extension: Required when not assigning a phone for Hot Desking.

  • Phone MAC Address: The MAC address for the Sangoma Phone being assigned is always required.


Desk Phone Assignment Options Tool

These options can be used for creating phone-based assignments using the phone's numeric keypad to select an extension from a list. You don't need to use these options if you create server-based assignments (meaning, assignments created from the Switchvox Admin Suite, Bulk Import, or the Extend API).


  • Server Name. This is the name of the Switchvox server as it appears in the phone's list of Sangoma Configuration Servers.

  • Assignment Authentication. To ensure that your phones are assigned correctly, select a method of authentication to be used before the phone will be assigned:

    • Assignment Code. One code displays the extension list and lets any extension be assigned.

    • Extension / Password. The extension list is always displayed, but after an extension is chosen, that extension's password must be entered.

  • Assignment Code. If you selected Assignment Code, enter a numeric code that enables you to assign extensions. 

  • Enable Open Enrollment Period. This YES/NO switch sets a period of time in which phone-based assignments can be created without any authorization. Use this option with caution.

  • Open Enrollment Period. If you selected YES, then enter the number of hours to allow assignment without authentication.

Click Save Assignment Options when finished defining or making changes.

Unassigned Extensions Tab

SIP-Phone extensions listed here have not been assigned a desk phone. You can use theAssignActionto add a desk phone, orIgnore Actionto cause this list to ignore that extension.

IMPORTANT: The Unassigned Extensions tab should not be used for assigning a mobile softphone. Switchvox Softphone for Mobile, which is assigned using this tool, is being deprecated. Sangoma Connect Mobile can be assigned using the Manage Phones tool, and should be used as of Switchvox versions 7.6.2 and later. Please see the article Sunsetting Switchvox Mobile Softphone for more information.

Mobile Softphones Tab

IMPORTANT: Switchvox Softphone for Mobile is being deprecated. Sangoma Connect Mobile should be used, as of Switchvox versions 7.6.2 and later. Please see the article Sunsetting Switchvox Mobile Softphone for more information.

Softphone Assignments allow you set up a Switchvox SIP-Phone extension to use the Switchvox Softphone App.

Important: Before you create a Softphone Assignment, see the article “How to Set Up and Manage Switchvox for the Switchvox Softphone for iPhone,” which describes the network requirements for using the iPhone app with Switchvox.


Mobile Softphones: Quick-Create Assignments

You can create multiple Softphone-to-extension Assignments using theQuick-Create Assignmentsbutton and adding extensions to that form. Or, you can use theDesk Phone Unassigned Extensionstab, and clickAssignon a specific extension.


Any time a Softphone Assignment is created, the Phone Settings for the extension are affected. The Auto-answer Switchboard-initiated calls setting (on the Common Settings tab) is set to NO. While the Softphone Assignment exists for the extension, that setting can't be modified. If you are making calls from the Switchboard with the Softphone App, auto-answer isn't available.

You can Reconfigure a Softphone Assignment using the Reconfigure action next to that assignment in the Softphone Assignments table. That deletes the existing configuration token, and creates a new one (it also sends an email if you indicate an email address). The phone-user must then configure the app to the extension, even if the app was already configured. The app cannot be used again until it's configured.

You can delete a Softphone Assignment using the Delete action next to that assignment in the Softphone Assignments table. If you delete an assignment, the softphone that was previously configured to that extension will be unconfigured. The softphone won't be able to make or receive calls, or see voicemail, logs or contacts.

There are two ways for the user to configure his or her Softphone App to the extension:

Email Link on the device
When you create a Softphone Assignment, you can choose to send the user an email. On the user's device, he or she downloads the Softphone App, finds the email and clicks the link it contains, and enters the numeric password for the extension in the resulting browser window. With the correct password, the Softphone opens and configures itself.

Switchvox Web Suite on a desktop computer
On the user's computer he or must log into the Switchvox Web Suite of the appropriate extension, click on the QR code icon in the upper-right of the screen, then open the Softphone app on the device and position the camera in front of the QR code. The Softphone App scans the code and configures itself.

Advanced Options

Click the Advanced Options button to use an alternate configuration port. If set to YES, your edge firewall must be set to forward traffic on port 55062 to your Switchvox PBX.


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