Switchvox Cloud - Digium Cloud Services Dialing Profile Explanation

Switchvox Cloud - Digium Cloud Services Dialing Profile Explanation

Digium Cloud Services Dialing Profile Explanation

Digium Cloud Services provide several different Dialing Profiles depending on your particular calling needs. These Dialing Profiles are:

  • Standard - This is the default dialing profile provided in all DCS services. It includes the 48 contiguous states in the US.

  • Extended - This includes the Contiguous states as well as Hawaii, Alaska, the Caribbean Islands.

  • International - This provides unrestricted dialing to any country Digium provides service to.


International Dialing Exceptions

There are some countries that can't be dialed through Digium Cloud Services under any Dialing Profile. These fall into two categories: Embargoed Countries, Countries with high incidence of hacking or toll fraud. The full list of countries unable to be dialed is:

  • ​Cuba (CU)

  • Iran (IR)

  • North Korea (KP)

  • Sudan (SD)

  • South Sudan (SS)

  • Syria (SY)

  • Ukraine (UA)

  • Brazil (BR)

  • China (CN)

  • Russia (RU)

  • Taiwan (TW)

  • Turkey (TR)


How to Limit Dialing for Specific Users

If you'd like to limit the dialing for a specific user, you can do so by creating an outgoing call rule under Setup -> Call Routing -> Outgoing Calls, then either allow or disallow the rule under the specific extension's Outgoing Call Rules. If you use this method you'll need to create a rule that includes all the dialing prefixes for the relevant location. To make this easier, below are some sample prefixes that can be copied into the Number begins with the digits section of the Outgoing call Rule (Note: This section only allows up to 64 characters, so you will need to create multiple rules to control all associated dialing prefixes)



  • 1(204|226|236|249|250|289|306|343|365|403|416|418|431|437|438)

  • 1(450|506|514|519|579|581|587|604|613|639|647|705|778|780|807)

  • 1(819|867|873|902|905)

Caribbean Islands

  • 1(242|246|264|268|284|340|345|441|473|548|649|664|670|671|684)

  • 1(709|721|758|767|782|784|787|809|825|829|849|868|869|876|939)


  • 1(808|907)

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