Softphones - How to Install and Configure the Sangoma Phone Desktop Client

The following content only applies to FreePBX and PBXact platforms

Softphones - How to Install and Configure the Sangoma Phone Desktop Client


Downloading the Sangoma Phone Desktop Client

Operating System version requirements:  MacOS 10.13, or Windows 10 (64-bit)

The latest version of the Windows and MacOS client can be downloaded from:



Legacy and pre-release versions are archived here.


Using the Sangoma Phone Desktop Client

Logging In

  • Admins will need to provide users with the PBX Address:Sangoma Phone Desktop Client Service Secure Port that is to be used for the Host field

    • The PBX Address will need to match the value set for the "Sangoma Phone Desktop Client Host Address" setting found in Admin → Sangoma Connect → Settings

    • It is recommended that the PBX Address be a FQDN if remote without access to direct IPs users will be involved

    • The port must be included in the user's input box when they are connecting to the server. The default port on the server is 6443.

  • "Enable Sangoma Phone Login" option under Admin → User Management → Sangoma Talk → Sangoma Phone Desktop Client should be set to Yes.

  • The Username and Password will need to match what is set for the user in Admin→User Management

    • These will be the same credentials that are used for logging in to UCP

  • The Forgot Password will require that the user's desktop can access UCP, which may require port forwarding

    • The Forgot Password screen will lead to the UCP login page being loaded in their web browser.  The user can then proceed to use UCP's Forgot Password option through that.


Feature Notes

  • Transferring Calls

    • If "Immediate Blind Transfer for the Active Call" is enabled in User Preferences, all numbers and voicemails icons cause an immediate blind transfer to that number or to the voicemail of that contact.

  • Favorite Contacts

    • The source of searchable contacts will come from Admin→Contact Manager → Favorite contacts.  You can set which Favorite contact list the user can access from Userman User/Group settings. Individual user can also select/deselect a contact to be shown from the favorite contact list through UCP. As soon as the contact is modified or added the Favorite contacts list gets updated automatically (it is also possible to force the update by doing a Reload on the client app). Refer to Favorite Contacts to know more about Favorite contacts.

  • Presence Status

    • New extensions might not see a presence status until they set one (ex. Available) for the first time, unless they set from another source such as a phone, or UCP.

  • Conferences

    • User can initiate the conference call from the client in a Private or Public group and all other users in the group gets the invite to join the conference and they can join to the conference just by clicking on Join button.

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