Sangoma Phone Desktop Client Emergency Location

The following content only applies to FreePBX and PBXact platforms

Sangoma Phone Desktop Client Emergency Location

About Emergency Location

The Emergency Location feature enables a Sangoma Phone Desktop Client user to hide the real CID number shown at the receiving end and instead use a custom DID number based on the chosen Location when an emergency number is dialed from the Desktop Client.

Usage Requirements

PBX Modules

Please find below minimum module versions to fulfill the dependency requirement for Sangoma Phone Desktop Client Emergency Location. Most of them might be available in the EDGE.

  • Sangoma Connect v15.0.48 or v16.0.35 (required)

    • Sangomartapi v15.0.45  or v16.0.39 (required)

    • Sysadmin v15.0.29.10 or v16.0.25 (required)

    • Restapps v15.0.37 or v16.0.31 (required)

    • Firewall v15.0.42 or v16.0.57.3 (not required, recommended minimum version if Firewall module is being used)

    • Framework v15.0.23.11 or v16.0.21.14 (required)

Admin Configuration

Emergency Locations can be added from the Sangoma Phone Desktop Client tab in Sangoma Connect → Settings. Admin can add/update/delete the locations from here. The location can't be deleted if it's already used by a Desktop Client user. 

Sangoma Phone Desktop Client

The Emergency Location option is available under Settings in the Desktop Client. User can select the Emergency Location to be used while making an emergency call from the Desktop Client. If None option is selected then Emergency Location feature will be disabled.

The Emergency Location feature will be hidden when the Making Calls With feature is enabled and the selected option is NOT Desktop Client. This is because for all other options the call will be made from some other device and not from Desktop Client. 


NB: The option Additional Location Info is not used at present. This value is meant to be send along with the emergency call. But as of now asterisk doesn't have support for such a feature. So this will be implemented once the PIDF-LO feature in released in asterisk.



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