

The Contacts tool lets you do the following:

  • Create, modify, and delete an External Contact. An External Contact can be used system-wide by all phone-users, but only the Switchvox admin can modify it.

  • Create, modify, and delete a Tag. A Tag is used to collect Contacts together, and it can be used system-wide by all phone-users. Only the Switchvox admin can modify the Tag name or the Contacts assigned to the Tag.

  • Assign a Tag to a Switchvox extension or an External Contact. A Contact can have multiple Tags.

  • Create and maintain additional phone numbers for a Switchvox phone extension.

  • Additional numbers are managed here, and by the extension-owner (Features >Additional Numbers).

Use the checkboxes to delete one or many External Contacts or Tag or untag one or many Contacts:

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IMPORTANT: Tags and the Switchvox extensions that are assigned to them, can also be maintained from Extension Groups using the Link to Contact Tag option. If you are using Extension Groups, that is the best way to manage
Tags and the Switchvox extensions assigned to them. In that situation, you would use the Contacts tool to manage External Contacts and their Tags.

How Contacts Are Used

These are the phone-user tools that use Contacts:

  • Switchboard All Contacts list, which can be filtered by Tag.

  • Switchboard Contacts and Tags widget, which displays Contacts and each of their calls.

  • Digium Phone Contacts app, which can be filtered by Tag.

  • Softphone Contacts tab

Those tools contain all of the phone-user's Contacts, as defined by the user and the Switchvox administrator:

  • Admin-maintained External Contacts within each Tag the user is subscribed to.

  • Phone-user's own External Contacts (tagged or untagged).

  • Phone-user's own Tags.

  • Switchvox extensions included in the Internal Directory, which by default is all extensions. By default, the system group All Extensions is included in the Internal Directory, so phone-users' Contacts tools contain all extensions.

If you are not using the default All Extensions group in the Internal Directory, the phone-user tools contain the Tags and External Contacts as above, but only contain specific Switchvox extensions:

  • Switchvox extensions within each admin-maintained Tag the user is subscribed to.

  • Switchvox extensions or admin-maintained External Contacts that the phone user is directly subscribed to (if any).

  • Switchvox extensions and admin-maintained External Contacts in the phoneuser's Rapid Dial (Features > Phone Features > Rapid Dial)


Manage Internal Directory

By default, the Internal Directory includes all of the Switchvox extensions. If you prefer not to automatically give all phone-users Contacts for all extensions, we suggest you do not use the Internal Directory. Instead, be sure that the Internal Directory contains
an empty Extension Group, and remove all other groups. Click the floppy disk icon to download the XML for the Internal Directory. This is useful for a peered Switchvox to upload as an External Contacts file.

Import External Contact Sheet

To add external Contacts (Contacts that aren't extensions on this Switchvox) to all Digium phones, you can upload a CSV or XML file. To see an example of the XML used by Contacts, download the Internal Directory's XML file.

CSV headers:
first_name, last_name, organization, job_title, location,
email_address, primary_number, primary_number_label,
secondary_number, secondary_number_label, jabber_id,

Example of the CSV record for one of your vendors:
Jane,Doe,Bunches of Flowers,Designer,San

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