External Contacts (6.7)
The External Contacts Tool replaces the Contacts Tool used in Switchvox 6.0. If you are running Switchvox 6.0, see the article TOOLS-EXTENSION FEATURES-Contacts (6.0).
This page is now used just to create, modify, or delete External Contacts. You can no longer make collections of External Contacts here, to be used in other areas of Switchvox. But, the Switchboard’s new Quick Dial widget can contain a collection of External Contacts, and Switchboard Layouts can have multiple Quick Dial widgets.
Switchvox extensions aren’t listed here anymore. You can no longer create and maintain additional phone numbers for a Switchvox phone extension. (Phone-users’ own additional numbers can still be managed using the Features > Additional Numbers page).
External Contacts
This tool lets you create, modify, and delete an External Contact. You can include multiple phone numbers for each contact. An External Contact can be used system-wide by all phone-users, but only the Switchvox admin can modify it.
To display the Create Contact page, click the Create External Contact + button.
To find a contact from those in the list table, enter some search data in the Search function.
To modify, click the Edit Action (pencil icon).
To delete, click the Delete Action (X icon).
Create External Contact
To create a new external contact, enter the following contact information:
First Name
Last Name
Jabber ID
Number. Enter the contact's number and select the appropriate Label for the number from the drop-down menu. Choices are Business, Mobile, Home, or Other. If the contact has more than one number, click the Add number icon, then enter the other number or numbers, indicating which number is the Default. When finished, click the Submit button to save the new external contact information. Cancel redisplays the main Create External Contact + page without saving the new number.
Import External-Switchvox Contacts
To add Contacts from another Switchvox, click the Import External Contact Sheet button on the main External Contacts page.
This displays the following popup menu:
Click the Upload External Contacts File box to display your PC file system. Select the appropriate data file. If necessary, enter digits to prepend to the numbers. Click Submit to upload the file. Close ends the operation.
You can download the external contacts file using Tools > Internal Directory on the other Switchvox.
External Contacts should be uploaded in CSV or XML format and have the following headers:
Affected Version(s)