Switchvox - Release Notes Version

Switchvox - Release Notes Version

This article describes Switchvox version (103413).

See also:,, 7.9.3, 7.9.4,

This version requires version 7.0 (94939). See the article Updating to Switchvox 7.0  for instructions on migrating to version 7.0. 

Please note that users may need to clear their web browser cache after the update, so any changes from your prior version are displayed correctly.

Enhancements & Changes

Phone firmware included:

  • Sangoma desk phone P32x/330/370: 4.9.3

  • Sangoma desk phone P310/315: 3.9.0

  • Legacy Digium desk phones: 1.12.14, 2.9.23

Phone firmware version 4.9.3 is included to correct regressive off-hook dial plan behavior introduced in 4.9.0.

Known Issues

Deleting Admin Rapid Dial Lists, Contact List Regeneration Error

When deleting an admin-created rapid dial list, Switchvox fails to properly regenerate the contacts lists for telephones to which the admin-created rapid dial list was created. This leaves orphaned contacts inside the telephone's contacts application. This issue has been present in Switchvox since the introduction of admin-created rapid dial lists and is not a regression.
To work around this issue, manually delete each item, one-at-a-time from the admin-created rapid dial list, or, if the list has already been deleted, log into each user's web tool and make any change to that user's telephone's rapid dial list items. Either of these will ensure that contacts files for telephones are properly generated.
With the known workarounds for this minor issue easily accessible, there is no immediate timeframe for a programmatic fix for this issue.

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