Card Driver- Command Cheat Sheet

Run the following commands to help quickly diagnose any issues.

Use the 'Application' row to know which CLI to use to run these commands in.



What does it do?

What is it good for? 



What does it do?

What is it good for? 



shows all devices
Plugged into
your server

use it to verify that your Sangoma card is recognized by the BIOS. 
You should have an entry for each card, but ignore the type of device.
The fact that our cards use a common PCI interface means they 
show up as either an A200 or an A104 normally

 wanrouter  hwprobe

(Linux CLI) 

shows all
Sangoma cards
recognized by the
Wanpipe drivers 

This will confirm that the driver sees the Sangoma hardware and that 
the Wanpipe driver is correctly installed (i.e. against DAHDI) without error. 
You will also see the details of your card(s) and HWEC  

 wanrouter status

(Linux CLI)  

shows the status
of all your
T1/E1 ports &
analog cards

use to confirm that all the ports are started (if one failed it will be missing), 
and the status of the physical layer connection.

"Connected" - physical layer is healthy
"Connecting" - physical layer alarm is active on the line  PROBLEM
"Disconnected" - either there is no cable connected to the port or the 
cable has been connected and disconnected a couple of times and the card
is confused (restart the drivers)

wanpipemon -i w1g1 -c Ta

(Linux CLI)  

shows the T1/E1
line alarms,
line stats as well
as the signal
level for the
Wanpipe interface
called w1g1

Loss of Signal - no electrical signal on line
Short Circuit - the tip and ring pins are crossed on the cable
Open Circuit - no cable detected

Framer Alarms:
LOS - no T1/E1 signal on the line
OOF - clock and data are not decoding properly
AIS - upstream repeater in alarm TELCO PROBLEM ALWAYS
RAI - other side of T1/E1 in alarm
RED - always on when in LOS or OOF Alarm

wanpipemon -i w1g1 -c Tadlb

wanpipemon -i w1g1 -c Tddlb

(Linux CLI)  

Activate and
Deactivate Digital
Line Loopback

This command will enable/disable line loop back.  
It will loop the port locally all the way down to the LIU.  
This command should only be used when there is no access
to a hard loop back


wanpipemon -i w1g1 -c astats -m X

(X is the channel number) 

(Linux CLI)  

shows the voltage
on an analog line

0-1 - no line detected
6-12 - offhook
45-55 - normal line onhook

wanpipemon -i w1g1 -c ehw

(Linux CLI)  

shows which channels 
urrently have HWEC


dahdi -vvv

(Linux CLI)  

applies system.conf
to the spans

any error messages mean that the DAHDI config and 
the hardware config are not matching

dahdi show channels

 Asterisk CLI

shows all DAHDI

 confirms that loaded properly

pri show span 1

 Asterisk CLI

shows the status
of the PRI

 confirms that span 1 is "up and active" 

pri intense debug span 1

 Asterisk CLI

shows ISDN

 confirms proper D-channel communication

 Log File


 Log File



 contains log info of all Wanpipe actives and any error messages related to Sangoma hardware


 Asterisk log files



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