Wanpipe Feature - TxTriState
This feautre allows you to turn off the transmit side of a port while leaving the receive side active. The main use for this feature is in hot-spare environments where instant fail-over is required.
The feature is enabled by turning it on in the ports wanpipeX.conf configuration file. This option should be placed in the global interface section.
FE_TXTRISTATE=NO <-feature is disabled during next port startup
FE_TXTRISTATE=YES <-feature is enabled during next port startup, at which point the card will be started in receive mode only
Once the port has been started with the feature enabled the transmit side can be toggled on and off using the following commnads.
Enable TX transmit:
wanpipemon -i <interface name> -c Ttxe
-where <interface name> is the name of a interface on the device in question i.e. w1g1, w2g1, w6g16
Disable TX transmit:
wanpipemon -i <interface name> -c Ttxd
-where <interface name> is the name of a interface on the device in question i.e. w1g1, w2g1, w6g16