Linux SDK Installation

Linux SDK Installation

Download and Wanpipe for Linux

  1. Download Link - Current Linux Driver

  2. Untar wanpipe-<ver>.tgz

  3. cd wanpipe-<ver>

  4. make

  5. make install

To confirm installation

Run: wanrouter hwprobe
Confirm that you can see Sangoma cards.

Install Sangoma SDK

  1. Download Link 

    1. 32 bit sangoma-tdm-sdk-v1.0.20_GA.i386.zip

    2. 64 bit sangoma-tdm-sdk-v1.0.20_GA.x86_64.zip

  2. unzip sangoma-tdm-sdk-<ver>.zip

  3. cd sangoma-tdm-sdk-<ver>

  4. make

  5. make install

  6. At this point the FreeTDM libraries will be installed in /usr/local/freetdm directory.


Now that the SDK is installed, select the application to install:




End of Installation procedure


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