Vega Gateways - Connecting Legacy PBX to ITSP

Vega Gateways - Connecting Legacy PBX to ITSP

The following describes how to configure a Vega 100G/200G/400G to connect your Legacy PBX to an ITSP 



  1. The Vega gateway can either be installed on an external IP address or behind a router

  2.  All the ITSP SIP Trunk provider settings will need to be obtained from the SIP Trunk Provider. 
    The SIP trunk from the ITSP to the Vega gateway may require that the Vega to register to a ITSP Registrar


  1. Log into the Vega gateway using the WebUI interface. The default  user is admin and password is admin

  2.  The 'Status' screen will begin to load. Once the page has loaded select the "Quick Config" menu option as shown below


  3. The WebUI will present a warning message please read the message and then select "Continue" on the screen below

  4. Once the Quick Config UI has loaded select the "Basic" Tab.  

    Country - Changing the country configuration may require the current changes to be re-submitted to the Vega and may result in the Topolgy being changed from E1 to T1.
                    This is where the Country localisation and IP address configuration is specified.  

You must specify the correct country for the Vega to use the correct PRI topology(E1 or T1) and for the correct network tones to be configured 


  1. Once the Basic config is completed select the "VoIP" tab.  The screen shot below highlights the most important fields

SIP Domain- This is should be set to the IP address or Hostname of the SIP PBX we are sending calls to and receiving calls from.  
SIP Server Address- This is should be configured as in this example. This will be the IP destination for SIP calls from the Vega to the PBX
Outbound Proxy address- Not used
Registration mode- Must be set to 
Registrar Address- This will be the IP destination for SIP Registration for the SIP Trunk
Registration and Authentication ID- This is the ID which has been setup by the ITSP for the SIP Trunk.  Authentication Password This will need to be the password provided by the ITSP SIP Trunk provider

  1. Once the VoIP config is competed select the "T1 or E1" tab.  A screenshot below gives the example of an T1 tab.

Telephone number list- This is configured as " .* " which is routing terminology for any telephone number character with any length of characters.
                                       The field defines which telephone numbers will route out to the E1/T1 trunk interfaces. The Telephone number list will need to be configured for EACH E1/T1 port that is being used

NT? -Defines whether each interface should be configured as NT or TE.  The Vega will be emulating a telco and so should be set to NT mode
        This field should be configured for EACH E1/T1 port that is being used (by default E1/T1 2 and 4 are NT mode)

Protocol- Defines which Protocol is to be used for the E1 or T1 links. this will depend completely on the country and Telco that gateway is to operate against

For T1 the following protocols are supported-  NI(NI2), QSIG, dms, dms_m1 att, CAS-RBS, CASPW, arin and Auto will attempt identify the correct protocol being used
For E1 the following protocols are supported-  ETSI (EURO ISDN), QSIG, VN, CAS-R2, CAS-PW, arinc, 1tr6 and Auto will attempt identify the correct protocol being used


All E1s or T1s present on the Vega will be enabled

This defines call routing from SIP --> E1/T1 , the default routing for E1/T1-->SIP is simply any call received from TDM is sent to SIP

  1. The parameters to be configured by Quick config are complete - select the "Submit" button. The Quick Config Submit creates a popup Click "OK 

  2. This concludes the Vega WebUI setup, it maybe required that the TDM PBX will require some additional configuration but it most cases the Vega should be able to directly replace the TDM links with a SIP trunk


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