Fonality - Add a new queue - How do I? (CP version 5.x)
In order to setup a new queue, you must first decide the following details:
Queue Name
Queue Type
Number of Callers allowed to Hold at once
Ring duration for each Agent
We recommend that you write down the settings you would like before beginning to create your queue. Preparing a trial queue on paper will expedite the actual process via Fonality's Admin Panel.
To create your queue, follow these steps:
Click on ACD --> add queue
Enter your queue's name next to the Queue Name field
Select the queue type from the Queue Type drop-down (choose from among ring-all, round-robin, round-robin with memory, ring random user, least recently answered, and fewest total calls)
Select the maximum number of callers allowed to hold at once from the Max. Holders drop-down.
Hold the control key and click on every agent that should be a member of the queue. Once all relevant agents are highlighted, click 'Add Agent'
From the Ring column, select the duration in seconds that each agent's phone should ring. 1 ring is approximately equal to 5 seconds.
Click Add Queue at the bottom of the page