Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Digit Translation

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Digit Translation



Digit translation enables you to modify an incoming or outgoing number or parameter value for purposes such as:

  • Adding or removing national or international indicators or carrier codes

  • Normalizing calls to the same dialing plan

  • Handling non-standard parameter values from a service provider

  • Changing a parameter value based on the value in another parameter

  • Rearranging the sequence of digits in a number

When the Type of Operation field in the Incoming or Outgoing Translation Table Entry is set to Translation, the IMG will translate the matched number to a different number. The IMG can also translate a parameter value to a different value.


The following numbers and parameters can be translated:

  • Dialed Number - The dialed number is usually the Called Party Number.

  • Originating Number - The originating number is usually the Calling Party Number.

When the IMG translates digit strings, it uses a translation mask that you define for the dialed number or originating number. It can also use digits from a secondary digit string to provide a portion of the translated string. For example, if you configure the IMG to translate the dialed number, you can specify that a segment of the translated dialed number is to come from the originating number.


Translation Tables

Translation Tables define the mechanism that the IMG uses for matching and translating digits in an incoming and/or outgoing digit string.

  • You configure translation using the Incoming Translation Entry or Outgoing Translation Entry panes.

  • You can assign an incoming and/or outgoing translation table to each channel group to specify the type of matching and manipulation the IMG performs for numbers associated with a call that is being routed through a channel in the channel group.

  • You can create up to 20 translation tables which you can assign to one or more channel groups. Each translation table can include one or more entries that define the operations and matching criteria that are required to meet your digit processing needs.


Translation Table Types

  • Incoming Translation Table - Provides digit matching and translation for digit strings on an incoming span or channel.

  • Outgoing Translation Table - Provides digit matching and translation for digit strings on an outgoing span or channel.


ClientView Panes used to Configure Translation

ClientView Objects

ClientView Objects

  • Translation Table

  • Table Entry

  • Advanced Dialed Number Parameters

  • Advanced Originating Number Parameters

Refer to IMG 1010 - Translation Configuration Example for more information.


Translation Process

The digit translation process consists of the following:

  • When the IMG identifies the channel group that is associated with an incoming or outgoing call, it determines whether a translation table is assigned to the channel group.

  • When the IMG determines that a call is associated with a translation table, it passes the call to the IMG

  • Within the translation table, the IMG identifies the entry that contains match criteria that match the call number and applicable call parameters.

  • The IMG then processes the digits and passes the call to the router. If the IMG does not find a match, the call fails.


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