IMG 1010 - Adding a Physical IMG



Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Physical IMG

IMG 1010 - Logical IMG

IMG 1010 - Configuration Wizard

IMG 1010 - Monitoring the IMG Using ClientView


  • Right-click on the Logical IMG object created and select New Physical IMG. The Physical IMG Object will get created:

  • The IMG ID field will be automatically populated with the next ID.

  • In the IMG Name field, enter a name that will identify this specific IMG.

  • In the IP Address field, enter the IP Address of this Physical IMG. This is the same IP Address assigned to the CTRL 0 port on the back of the IMG.

The IP Address entered in step 4 is the IP address assigned to the CTRL 0 port on the IMG.

  • The IMG Type field will be automatically populated with either 1004 or 1010 dependent on whether the node being configured is an IMG 1010 or IMG 1004.

  • The Trunk Type field will also be automatically populated with T1 or E1 dependent on whether the node being configured is using T1 or E1 protocol.

Next Topics

IMG 1010 - Network Interface Scenarios

IMG 1010 - Configuring Network Interfaces

Physical IMG Pane (10.3.3)


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