Dialogic IMG - How to configure CACTI to send threshold alerts
This article describes how to configure CACTI to send an alert email to a specified user when a threshold is reached on a Dialogic IMG 1010 Integrated Media Gateway or Dialogic IMG 1004 Integrated Media Gateway.
Dialogic Gate Control Element Management Syste (GCEMS) installed on a Linux server
CACTI installed on Linux server
General CACTI Alert configuration:
In the CACTI web interface select the Console tab.
Select the Settings option (under the Configuration section)
Click on the Alerting/Thold tab. The first six tabs can be left as default values
Enter the default alert email address. This address will be used for all thresholds that use Global control.
Type in Cacti based URL (http://<ipOfCactiHost>/cacti/) or (http://localhost/cacti/)
From Email Services can be set to anything such as alerts.cacti@yourDomain.com
From Name can be set to anything such as ‘Cacti Alerts’
SMTP Hostnane can be localhost
SMTP Port is 25
The remaining options on this page can be left at the default values.
CACTI threshold configuration:
Under Management select the Data Sources object.
On the Data Sources page in the template column select the channel group that you want to enable the threshold for.
To monitor for call duration select the “_acd” source.
Set the value for the High or Low threshold in the number of seconds.
To monitor for channel states, such as number of channels out of service select the “_cgs” source.
For channel states the 7 tabs in the Data Source template refer to the 7 states in the graph (Out of service, Idle, Blocked, Answered, Disconnecting, Dialing, Allocated).
In the threshold screen set either the high or low threshold value.
Set the Trigger count
Set the Re-Alert Cycle
Set the Alert e-mail address if different than the Global address set above
Product List
Dialogic IMG 1010 Integrated Media Gateway
Dialogic IMG 1004 Integrated Media Gateway
Glossary of Acronyms / Terms
CACTI - A network graphing solution.