PBX GUI - Backup and Restore Module (Legacy)

PBX GUI - Backup and Restore Module (Legacy)

This page content was prepared for the legacy version of the Backup and Restore module in PBX versions 14 and lower which is EOL. Content left for reference purposes, but to see content for the current module versions please see PBX GUI - Backup and Restore Version 15+


What is the Backup and Restore Module used for?

It is critical that you have a backup procedure in place. This module is used to backup your PBX phone system settings and configurations.

Backing up your PBX is a crucial step in the setup process. You have several ways to automate this process, or you can do an "on the fly" backup as needed. If you are wish to create a Warm Standby with 2 PBX systems, please see our Warm Spare Setup wiki.

How is the  Backup and Restore Module related to the other Modules?

This module will backup databases, stored settings, and specified files and directories.

How Do I Get to the Backup and Restore Module?

  • Log in to the PBX UI.

  • On the top menu click Admin

  • In the drop down click Backup and Restore


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