Dialogic IMG - ClientView, DataManager and Gatemanager connection failure
There are multiple symptoms associated with this issue, including:
1. Starting ClientView results in a pop up window containing the runtime message, "Nack: (RT:1) - DataManager isn't ready to become active yet, please try again in a moment. Please rectify the problem and try again."
2. The ClientView.excelsw.errors.log contains the message, "ERROR: Nack: (RT 1) - DataManager isn't ready to become active yet, please try again in a moment. Please rectify the problem and try again."
3. The maintenance_DataManager log contains the message, "**Error: Dec 17 2009 00:00:07: Challenge data not received correctly from LLC."
4. The maintenance_CommManager log contains nothing following the runtime initialization messages.
5. All GCEMS processes are running, as indicated by typing "ps -ef|grep Man" at a terminal window prompt.
Reason for the issue:
During the installation of the Dialogic Gate Control Element Management System (GCEMS) software there is a file created named Defaults, which contains various runtime environment variables used by the GCEMS processes. If, when prompted during the GCMS installation, the user supplies an incorrect host/server IP address, the installation will complete normally, but the incorrect IP address will be propagated into the Defaults file. After the software install, when the GCEMS software is started, the GCEMS processes will fail to connect to one another, as indicated by the above symptoms. ClientView will also fail to connect to DataManager. This is due to the incorrect IP address that was entered during the GCEMS installation. The Primary and Secondary Host addresses provided by the user during the GCEMS installation should match the respective Host addresses in the Linux Network configuration.
Fix / Solution:
Stop all GCEMS processes using the "Stop GCEMS" launcher on the Linux Desktop.
Using either of the following steps, A or B, fix the Defaults file:
A. Edit the Defaults file and change the llc_host and rllc_host IP addresses to the correct values. To locate the directory containing the current Defaults file type "echo $SK_LIB_DIR" in a terminal window.
B. Re-install the GCEMS software using correct IPs, which will create a new Defaults file.
Product List
Dialogic IMG Integrated Media Gateway
Glossary of Acronyms / Terms
GCEMS: Dialogic Gate Control Element Management System