Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Configure GCEMS and Start Linux Services

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Configure GCEMS and Start Linux Services

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Downloading System Software

IMG 1010 - Starting ClientView - Overview


Before You Begin:

  • The IMG 1010 should be unpacked, mounted, and connected power to the GCEMS server. See the manufacturer's instructions for installation procedures.

  • The GCEMS software must be installed. See IMG 1010 - Installing GCEMS Software.

  • Acquire IP Addresses for the IMG 1010.

  • Acquire the MAC address of the IMG from tag on bottom of unit.


Follow these steps to setup the GCEMS Server.

Configure /etc/hosts and /etc/sysconfig/network files on GCEMS server

After installing the IMG and GCEMS software, edit the /etc/hosts file (one time only).

  • There is an existing entry for localhost mapped to Add an entry before the existing entry with the specific IP address, hostname, and alias for the Linux server.

    • <hostname> localhost localhost.localdomain localhost

Edit the /etc/sysconfig/network file and enter the same hostname that was added in the /etc/hosts file.


Configure DNS on the GCEMS server

  • Connect to the GCEMS Server.

  • Login as:
    user: excelsw
    password: excelsw

  • If a DNS server is needed in your network you will need to configure a DNS server. To configure DNS on GCEMS server follow next few steps.

  • In the RedHat GUI select System Settings > Network and the following screen below will appear.

  • Select the DNS tab and enter a hostname for the DNS server in the Hostname field.

  • Enter Primary and Secondary IP addresses for the primary and secondary DNS servers.

  • Close the network configuration screen.

Create link to load software from ftp server

The first step is to create a link that conveys what software version is to be loaded and where to get the software load from. This link which is loaded in the ftpBuilds folder works in conjunction with the dhcpd.conf file and aids in the loading of software. There are two ways to create this link. There is a script written that automatically creates the link or there is a manual way where a ln -sf command is entered manually and the link is created. The next few steps below explain both processes.


 Scenario 1: Using lnimg (link img) script

  • Go to the osconfig directory. 
    /opt/dialogic/common/osconfig (Software 10.5.1+)
    /opt/cantata/common/osconfig (Software 10.3.x to 10.5.0)  

    • Transfer the script lnimg to /home/excelsw/ftpBuilds.

If GCEMS server was purchased from Sangoma, the lnimg script will already be in the ftpBuilds directory.

From the /home/excelsw/ftpBuilds directory, run the lnimg script

$ ./lnimg

  • Follow the prompts and enter the version of software to be loaded.

  • Script will create a link between a common name img1010_id0101.bin (IMG 1010) and/or img1004_id0106.bin (IMG 1004) and the name of the software you would like to load.

    • Execute an ls -la command to verify the link has been created.
      To confirm the link has been created, type:

      • $ls -la

      • Example response:

      • lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Jun 21 09:27 img1010_id0101.bin -> img1010_ver1052123_id0101.bin

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Jun 21 09:27 img1004_id0106.bin -> img1004_ver1052123_id0106.bin

Scenario 2: Using ln -sf command. (Manually)

  • From the  /home/excelsw/ftpBuilds directory, enter the command below:

    • IMG 1010:

    • ln -sf img1010_ver10525_id0101.bin img1010_id0101.bin

    • IMG 1004:

ln -sf img1004_ver10525_id01016.bin img1004_id0106.bin

  • To confirm the link has been created, enter the command:

    • $ls -la

    • Example response:

    • lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Jun 21 09:27 img1010_id0101.bin -> img1010_ver1052123_id0101.bin

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Jun 21 09:27 img1004_id0106.bin -> img1004_ver1052123_id0106.bin

Verify that the link created points to the correct bin file.


Create dhcpd.conf file

  • As Super User, create the dhcpd.conf file. Run the dhcpd file creation script located in the following directory:
    /opt/dialogic/common/osconfig (Software 10.5.1+)
    /opt/cantata/common/osconfig (Software 10.3.x to 10.5.0)

# ./xldhcp

To create the Linux default dhcpd.conf file manually, see IMG 1010 - Sample dhcpd.conf.

  • Enter values when prompted as appropriate for your configuration. You will be prompted for the following information: [factory defaults shown in bold]
    Router/Default Gateway IP Address: []
    Router/Default Gateway Subnet Mask: []
    Subnet IP Address: (Router/Default Gateway IP Address - 1) []
    FTP Server IP Address: (This PC IP Address) []
    How many IMG systems are being configured? [1]
    T1 or E1 IMG ( t/ e)? [ t]
    CODEC Profile Selection
      1 = LBR
      2 = LBR + iLBC
      3 = LBR + iLBC + wireless

You must have a license for wireless codecs. You must also set host flags accordingly (see IMG 1010 - Vocoder Information)

Enter CODEC profile? [2]
IMG(CTRL0)[1] IP Address: []
IMG(CTRL0)[1] MAC Address:  (MAC shown on IMG Label) [00:20:1C:xx:xx:xx]
IMG(CTRL1)[1] MAC Address: (MAC shown on IMG Label +1) [00:20:1C:xx:xx:xx+1]

  • The following is the response after all prompts are complete:
    dhcpd.conf created with 1 IMG's configured...    

  • The file will be created in the /opt/dialogic/common/osconfig directory.

    • Move the file to the /etc directory

mv dhcpd.conf /etc

Create the ntp.conf file.

  • As a Super User Create the ntp.conf file. Go to:
    /opt/dialogic/common/osconfig (Software 10.5.1+)
    /opt/cantata/common/osconfig (Software 10.3.x to 10.5.0)  

    • Run the ntp configuration script:

# ./xlntp
  • Enter IP Address and Subnet mask when prompted as appropriate for your configuration.

    • Move the ntp file to the /etc directory.

# mv ntp.conf /etc


Start the services nfs, vsftpd, dhcpd, and ntp

  • As a Super User, start all the services and configure them to restart when GCEMS server is rebooted. Enter the following commands to start the nfs server

  • Enter the following commands to start vsftpd service

  • Enter the following commands to start dhcpd service

  • Enter the following commands to start ntpd service



The GCEMS includes a crontab that manages the GCEMS processes. This crontab runs automatically when the GCEMS is started (StartGCEMS), and stopped when the GCEMS is stopped (StopGCEMS). This file should not be edited.

There is a user crontab where you can add your own cron jobs for such tasks as file management or CDR management. The user cron file is located at:

/opt/dialogic/common/cron/usercron (Software 10.5.1+)

/opt/cantata/common/cron/usercron  (Software 10.3.x to 10.5.0)

This crontab runs automatically when the GCEMS is started, and stopped when the GCEMS is stopped.


Verify exports file has been created for NFS functionality

Once the BDN_IMG_EMS_1.0.x.xxx.bin and BDN_IMG_GUI_1.0.x.xxx.bin files have been installed, the /etc/exports file should now appear like the following below. Verify that all the shares displayed below have been created.

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