Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - RADIUS - User-Name
Generic Radius Attribute: User-Name
As per RFC 2865:
This Attribute indicates the name of the user to be authenticated. It MUST be sent in Access-Request packets if available. It MAY be sent in an Access-Accept packet, in which case the client SHOULD use the name returned in the Access-Accept packet in all Accounting-Request packets for this session. If the Access-Accept includes Service-Type = Rlogin and the User-Name attribute,a NAS MAY use the returned User-Name when performing the Rlogin function.
A summary of the User-Name Attribute format is shown below. The fields are transmitted from left to right.
Type (IETF Number) = 1 for User-Name.
Length >= 3
String = The String field is one or more octets. The NAS may limit the maximum length of the User-Name but the ability to handle at least 63 octets is recommended. The format of the username MAY be one of several forms:
text - Consisting only of UTF-8 encoded 10646 characters.
network access identifier - A Network Access Identifier as described in RFC 2486.
distinguished name - A name in ASN.1 form used in Public Key authentication systems.