Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - SS7 Functionality Specifications 1010 and 1004
Feature F-1446 'SS7 Stacks on the IMG 1004' allows SS7 Stacks to be configured on the Sangoma®IMG 1004. Since the inception of the IMG 1004 there has been a slow progression of SS7 functionality. Initially SS7 was not supported then in software version 10.5.1 feature F-1406 was added which now allowed the IMG 1004 to be configured as a remote SS7 node and was able to terminate up to 4 links. Now in software version 10.5.3 the ability to configure SS7 stacks is now supported. The addition of this feature allows the IMG 1004 to have the SS7 functionality of the IMG 1010 with limitations. See the links in the Related Topics Heading below for information on the functionality and limitation of SS7 on the IMG 1004. Information on configuration etc. can be found in the SS7 configuration section of this WebHelp (Configuration > Signaling > SS7_10.5.1+). Configuration is accomplished in the same manner as the IMG 1010.
SS7 Specifications
All specifications below are maximum values. To achieve these specifications, correct licensing must be generated also.
Function | IMG 1010 | IMG 1004 |
SS7 Redundancy | Supported | Supported |
SS7 Stacks |
SS7 Links |
*Redundancy is not a factor on number of links created within logical node group. |
*Redundancy is not a factor on number of links created within logical node group. |
SS7 Routes |
CICs |
At least one channel is needed for SS7 signaling link. Therefore, the functional maximum on at least one node is 767 CICs |
At least one channel is needed for an SS7 signaling link. Therefore, the functional maximums are actually (127 CICs / 255 CICs) |
CIC Groups |
Node Group Membership |
Additional Functionality:
As displayed in the table above, an IMG 1004 configured as a SS7 Server can control one remote node with CIC's.
If configuring SS7 redundancy the IMG 1004 configured as an SS7 server (Primary) will allow only the SS7 secondary node to be configured. No remote nodes can be configured in this situation.
When configuring SS7 Redundancy the IMG 1004 supports up to 8 links. Four links can be configured on the Primary SS7 Node and Four links can be configured on the Secondary SS7 Node.
The IMG 1004 supports SIP-T functionality.
The IMG 1004 DOES NOT support SS7 M3UA functionality.
The IMG 1004 DOES NOT support SS7 SCCP/TCAP traffic.