Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Provisioning CICs
Provisioning CIC's is done from the Object Table in ClientView. From the Object Table Tab under the Circuit Group Configuration Pane select the cics to be provisioned. Once selected, right click and select from the drop down list the desired operation. Below is the Object Table from the different Software Versions.
The selections may vary depending on which software build being used.
You can select a group of CICs by dragging the cursor.
Software 10.3.x
Software 10.5.x
In Service - Bring a CIC into service from an Out of Service State
Out of Service - Take a CIC Out of Service
Maintenance Block - Initiate a Maintenance Block on a specific CIC or range of CIC's. Calls will not be processed on a CIC put into Maintenance Block Mode. Any calls that are on that circuit will be brought to an idle state gracefully. Any calls on that cic will be allowed to continue until call is released.
Maintenance Unblock - Unblock a CIC or range of CIC's from the Maintenance Block state
Reset - Reset a CIC.
Circuit Query Message - Send a CQM (Circuit Query Message) to query for the CIC state. The CQM and CQR (Circuit Query Request) is printed in the Call Tracing. Can query 1 CIC at a time. Cannot query a range of CICs
Continuity Check Request - Initiate a Continuity Test (COT Test). The result will appear in the Manual COT Test Results Column. Used for troubleshooting a circuit
Graceful Out Of Service - Bring CIC or range of CIC's Out of Service Gracefully. Allow any calls to be released before bringing CIC to an idle state