Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - ClientView Password Enhancements

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - ClientView Password Enhancements



Feature F-1689 ClientView Password Enhancement added in software version 10.5.3 adds security and complexity to the password policies used when logging into ClientView. The changes were made to the ‘addusr’ and ‘chpwd’ functions only. Any existing username/passwords as well as the default password (admin/admin) will exist until the password has been altered by using the functions in the AdminView application. The password policy has changed so that when entering a password it must meet the criteria displayed below.

  1. Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length.

  2. Passwords must contain at least 3 of the 4 criteria below:

  • Capitals

    • Lowercase

    • Numbers

    • Symbols !  @  #  $  %  ^  &  *  (  )  


Below are examples of passwords that pass the password policy:

  • Password1 - (Capital letter, lowercase letter, number)

  • Password@ - (Capital letter, lowercase letter, symbol)

  • password@1  -  (lowercase letter, 'at' symbol, number)

  • Password@1  -  (Capital letter, lowercase letter, symbol, number)

Below are examples of passwords that fail the password policy

  • Password  -  (Capital letter, lowercase letter) – Needs either a number or symbol.

  • password1  -  (lowercase letter, number)  -  Needs either Uppercase or symbol

  • password@  -  (lowercase letter, symbol)  -  Needs either number or uppercase letter

  • PASSWORD1  -  (Capital letter, number)  -  Needs either lowercase letter or symbol

  • Pass1@  - (Capital letter, number, symbol, lowercase letter – Not meeting eight character minimum

Additional Information:

  • Passwords do not expire.

  • Password history is not maintained

  • Password policy is enforced only after implementing the addusr or chpwd commands

  • admin/admin is default username/password on all new IMG’s shipped

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - An Overview of AdminView

IMG 1010 - AdminView



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