Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - AdminView
The AdminView application is used to create a user account and then assign privileges to each account created. Once the account is created, it can be used to login to the ClientView application using the credentials configured. When creating a user, there are two types of users that can get created. The two types of users are labeled Basic and Administrative. The two users are described below.
User Accounts
The two types of user accounts that can be created are described below
Basic User
When creating a Basic User account, the AdminView application configures the basic user account with a very limited set of privileges/commands that can be administered. The commands available to the basic user are listed in the table below.
Command | Description | Requirement |
id | Display current user information | User ID, Password, and role |
rstpwd | Reset current user's password | New Password. Can only reset its own password |
quit | Exit the program. | N/A |
help | Display help information. | N/A |
lcmd | List all available commands. | N/A |
Administrative User
When creating an Administrative User account, the AdminView application configures the full set of commands supported In the AdminView application. An Administrative User account in the AdminView application can administer other user accounts to add or delete users, reset a password, or modify user privileges. The commands available to the administrative user are listed in the table below.
Command | Description | Requirement |
adusr | Add a single user | User ID, Password, and role |
asnrole | Assign new roles to existing user | User ID and role |
chpwd | Reset a users password | User ID and new password. Refer to the password information below. |
cusrs | Display all users currently logged in | N/A |
help | Display help information | N/A |
id | Display current user information. | User ID, Password, and role |
lcmd | List all available commands. | N/A |
lusr | Display a specific users id. | Password and role |
lusrs | Display all users information. | User ID, password, and role |
quit | Exit AdminView. | N/A |
rmusr | Remove a single user. | User ID |
rstpwd | Reset current users password. | New Password |
Account Privileges
Each of the user accounts described above can be assigned privileges. The privileges assigned are given to the account for use when working in the ClientView application. When creating a new account, the following privileges can be assigned to each.
Privilege | Description |
Configuration | A user with Configuration privileges has the ability to create and delete a configuration. Configuration privileges however does not allow a user to be able to take spans in and out of service or Inhibit/Unihibit SS7 Links. These actions are enabled through the provisioning privilege. |
Provisioning | A user with Provisioning Privileges will have the ability to achieve such actions as being able to take DS-1's and DS-0's In and out of service, reset nodes, and Inhibit and Uninhibit SS7 Links. Provisioning privileges however will not allow the user to create and delete a configuration. These privileges are enabled through the Configuration privilege. When trying to create a configuration from a user with just provisioning privileges, all the configuration screens will be grayed out and cannot be selected. |
Monitoring | The monitoring privilege is a required privilege. A user account cannot be created without giving the account monitoring privileges. A user account created with just monitoring privileges is limited to just viewing the configuration. An account created with just monitoring privileges will not allow a user the ability to perform any actions to the 2020 IMG. |
The privileges described above are all configurable when creating a user account. When creating a user account, any combination of privileges can be assigned to get the desired results.
Starting AdminView
There are two separate ways to open and logon to AdminView. The different manners in which AdminView is opened is dependent on what type of access the user has. If the server desktop is available then double clicking on the AdminView ICON will open you to the logon screen. If only SSH access is available, after connecting to the server as a dialogic user, go to the /opt/dialogic/IMG/GatecontrolEMS/bin directory and execute the following command:
[dialogic@localhost bin]$ ./AdminView
Login to AdminView with administrative rights using the User ID and Password below. The username and password are the default credentials given to the administrative user when shipped from the factory.
User Id | admin |
Password | admin |
Once logged in, enter the help command to display available commands. The next step would be to create a new user account or edit an existing account. The next section describes a few examples using the commands within the AdminView application.
Below are examples using AdminView. Not all scenarios are displayed below. Use the help command to view all possible commands.
Example 1 (Modify the default administrative account password)
Open the AdminView application as described above and enter the default administrative user and password.
Enter the chpwd command. Select <Enter>. When prompted, enter the User Id account that the password will be modified on. Select <Enter>.
Enter the new pass password when prompted. Password must be at least eight characters and meet 3 of the four criteria listed below:
At least one uppercase letter
At least one lowercase letter
At least one number
At least one symbol: !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*()
Select <Enter>.
Re-enter the new password when prompted to "Repeat for confirmation". Select <Enter>.
AdminView will then display a confirmation that the password has been modified for the specific user.
Log out of AdminView and close AdminView terminal.
Re-Start AdminView and logon using the modified password.
Example 2 (Add a new user)
Add a new user account and assign Configuration, Monitoring, and Provisioning privileges to the new account.
Open the AdminView application as described above and enter the administrative account user and password.
Enter the adusr command. Select <Enter>. When prompted, enter a name that will be given to this new account. Select <Enter>.
Enter a password that will be given to this new account. Follow the password rules described in Example 1 above. Select <Enter>.
Re-enter the new password when prompted to "Repeat for confirmation". Select <Enter>.
The next prompt will ask to enter the roles of the new account. The account being created in this example is a Basic User account and will have Configuration, Provisioning, and Monitoring privileges. Enter the account type and privileges separated by a comma. Refer to example below on how to achieve this.
Note: Monitoring privileges are required on all accounts.Log out of AdminView and close AdminView terminal.
Re-Start AdminView and logon using the new account user and password.
Example 3 (Modify an existing user account roles/privileges)
Modify an existing users role.
Open the AdminView application as described above and enter the administrative account user and password.
Enter the asnrole command. Select <Enter>. When prompted, enter the name of the user account that will be modified. Select <Enter>.
AdminView will now prompt user to assign new roles to the account selected. Modify this account by selecting a new account type and/or new privileges. The example below changes the account created above to and administrative account with full privileges. Refer to example below.
Note: Enter all roles being added even if they have already been assigned to the user. Refer to the account privileges section above.Log out of AdminView and close AdminView terminal.
Re-Start AdminView and logon to the modified account. This account will now possess the modified privileges and user type.
Example 4 (Remove or delete an existing user)
Remove a existing user from the AdminView application.
Open the AdminView application as described above and enter the administrative account user and password.
Enter the rmusr command. Select <Enter>. When prompted, enter the name of the user account that will be removed. Select <Enter>. A confirmation that the account has been removed will be displayed.
Enter the lusrs command. This will display all the users created. Verify the user selected has been deleted. Below is an example of the lusrs command.
In the lusrs example above, the following accounts are displayed:
One Administrative account labeled admin. This account has full privileges.
One Administrative account labeled basicuser3p This account has Monitoring and Provisioning privileges.
One Basic account labeled basicuser1. This account has full privileges.