Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Monitoring the IMG
Using ClientView
ClientView is an application loaded on the GCEMS server. ClientView is used for configuration and monitoring of a the IMG network and is broken up into different views. Each View/Pane can configure or monitor a different aspect of the IMG. Below are short descriptions of each View/Pane.
Configuration Pane (Top Right)
Shows the configuration settings for an object. May also include Status information, such as EMS Connection State.
Info Pane (Bottom Right)
Shows the entries that are included in an object, such as the Channel Groups included in a Route List. There are four tabs in this Pane: The Object Table, Object Status, System Status, Socket Activity. Any of the tabs can be selected. Each tab displays different information about the IMG or IMG(s)
Embedded Help Pane (Middle Right) Software 10.5.0 +
The Embedded Help Pane will give a short description of the object that is being viewed in ClientView. It will also have links to the Online Webhelp, which will have more information on that topic. See IMG 1010 - Overview of ClientView and IMG 1010 - The ClientView Main Window for more information on the embedded help pane.
Status Pane (Bottom Right)
Shows status information for an object, such as an SS7 CIC (In Service/Out of Service).
For More Information, see IMG 1010 - Monitoring the IMG Using ClientView.
EventView is a companion product of ClientView that displays system alarms, filters alarms related to severity and various entities, and logs alarms to files.
For More Information, see IMG 1010 - EventView.
Using SNMP
The IMG supports the following for SNMP:
Ability to monitor Ethernet, DS1 and DS3 interfaces using industry standards MIBs
Get and Trap commands (SETs are not be supported)
Industry standard MIBs among common Network Management tools.
For More Information, see IMG 1010 - Overview of SNMP and IMG 1010 - Configuring SNMP.
Using the Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) Tool
The Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) Tool is used to monitor various areas on network links. MRTG generates HTML pages containing PNG images which provide a live visual representation of this traffic.
For More Information, see IMG 1010 - Overview of MRTG.
Cacti Watcher Function (10.5.0+)
Cacti is a network monitoring/graphing application which is replacing the MRTG (Multi Router Traffic Grapher) monitoring/graphing tool. Cacti is built around the RRDTool which is an open source high performance data logging and graphing system. Cacti will be used to monitor information such as Network Traffic, CPU Utilization, Memory, and Temperature. Based on some preset thresholds, Cacti has the ability to send alerting Email once the thresholds have been exceeded. Cacti has better performance than MRTG and operates using user generated graphs. Below is a list of the components that make up the Cacti monitoring system
Apache HTTP Server - A web server responsible for accepting HTTP requests.
mySQL database - Multi Threaded, MultiUser, SQL database management system.
RRDTool - Round Robin Database - RRD is a system to store and display time-series data like network traffic, temperatures, etc
php scripting - PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development. PHP can be embedded into HTML.
Perl Scripting - Perl is a high level programming language that is stable and is a cross platform programming language. It is used in critical projects in the public and private sectors and is widely used to program web applications of all needs.
Cacti Monitoring Tool - Cacti is a complete network graphing solution designed to harness the power of RRDTool's data storage and graphing functionality
Cacti Plug-In Architecture - Ability to add features to Cacti
Cacti Thresholding Plug In - Enables the ability to send e-mails based on preset thresholds