Release 2.2 SP2.1 - An Overview of Features



FR14157 Support for Multiple RFC 2833 DTMF Payload Types on Each Call

Brief Description:

This feature adds a new Digit Relay Packet Type (16000) parameter and enhances the Digit Relay Packet Type parameter to support multiple RFC 2833 DTMF payload types on each call.


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IP Profile 

FR15916 Web GUI Auto Save Config Backup

Brief Description:

The "Save File" dialog box incorporates a new feature where an automatic backup can be enabled when saving the configuration file. A check box named "Automatic backup" is added to enable or disable the feature. By default the feature is enabled.

In the above example, the user can use the same configuration file name and an additional backup file will be created. The backup file name will be named "ss7_sip_gateway_bak2.dat" in this particular instance. The backup file is only created when saving the configuration file. There can be up to 100 backup files for a given name.


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