Release 2.1 - An Overview of Features



F-1552 Multiple IP Networks Supported for SIP

Brief Description:

The Multiple IP Networks supported for SIP feature supports creating a SIP stack that can support multiple IP addresses. Each IP Address configured can communicate with a separate SIP Gateway. Once the External Gateway/SIP Signaling association has been configured, the Packet Facility can then be configured to communicate RTP with the specific remote gateway. With this functionality, multiple SIP networks can be serviced using just one SIP stack. This functionality also gives the IMG 2020 the ability to segregate the RTP/Media traffic between different SIP Signaling IP addresses allowing the IMG 2020 to service multiple SIP networks using one SIP stack. In addition to adding the multiple IP address functionality, a Single IP address can also be configured to a SIP stack to allow for backward compatibility to older configurations. This feature is supported in SIP Signaling only. The H.323 stack still supports only one IP address per stack. Refer to the topics in the Related Topics links below for more information.


Related Topics:

Multiple SIP Addresses - Overview 

Configure SIP (Single SIP IP) 

Configure SIP (Multiple SIP IP)

SIP Signaling - SIP

SIP Signaling - IP Address 

SIP Signaling - Node Association

IP Address

SIP Profile - Proxy

F-5397 Enabling 2nd Core on 8752 Processor

Brief Description:

The IMG 2020 currently employs only one of the cores on its Dual Core Processor. Feature F-5397 enables a second core. By enabling the second core, the number of calls per second is increased. For information on the improved call rate specifications, refer to the sales and service office in your local region for an updated copy of the performance numbers. The link below displays the contact information needed to your local sales and service location.


Related Topics:

F-5399 Enabling 2nd NAT Address

Brief Description:

Release 2.0 supports configuring only one IP address for the DSP based RTP traffic. This IP address is referred to as Media 0 and is configured in the IP Address object. Release 2.1 adds a second configurable IP address for the DSP based RTP Traffic. It is referred to as Media 1 and adds a second IP address that will allow a customer the ability to segregate the RTP traffic over two separate distinct networks.


Related Topics:

IP Address 

F-5545 Propagate From Header between SIP calls

Brief Description:

Feature F-5545 Propagate From Header between SIP calls is utilized when the IMG 2020 is within a Trusted Domain and the SIP Privacy functionality is enabled. When receiving an INVITE message, the From Header is received along with the P-Asserted and/or Remote Party ID Header. These Headers are propagated to the outgoing leg with the username of either the P-Asserted and/or Remote Party ID Header. Feature F-5545 changes that behavior. When F-5545 is set to enabled, the Username parameter in the From Header on the incoming will be propagated to the From Header on the outgoing side. In this scenario the From Header is the same on the incoming and outgoing side.


Related Topics:

Propagate From Header (SIP to SIP) 

SIP Profile - From Header Tags 

F-5743 Multi Node

Brief Description:

To control multiple IMG 2020 nodes through one single Web Browser, Dialogic has developed two applications that are to be installed and run on a separate server running virtualization software. The two applications are a Virtual Machine (VM) application and an Element Management Software (EMS) application that runs within the VM. The Multi-Node feature supports controlling up to six IMG 2020 nodes using one web browser. For more information, refer to the links in the Related Topics section below.


Related Topics:

Virtual Machine - Installation and Setup

VM Specifications

Software Upgrade - EMS System

Software Rollback - EMS/System

F-5838 Retrieving Treatment files from SD Card

Brief Description:

The IMG 2020 currently supports retrieving the audio files needed to play announcements and treatment files from an NFS Server. The audio file are loaded on the NFS Server and then downloaded to the IMG 2020 for use. F-5838 adds the SD Card that is inserted into the front panel as another medium for the audio files to be stored before being downloading to the IMG 2020. Feature F-5838 also modifies the manner with which the IMG 2020 is configured to play these files. Refer to the topics in the related Items section below for more information on configuring and playing announcements.  


Related Topics:

Announcements - Overview 

F-5887 Adding SNMP Private MIBs

Brief Description:

Dialogic has added a suite of Private MIBs to the already existing standard MIBs and Traps on the IMG 2020. The MIBs being added include statistics on the CPU, memory, temperature, channel group, and calls. For a list of supported MIBs, refer to the links in the Related Topics section below.


Related Topics:

SNMP - Private MIBs 

F-6037 H.323 Support

Brief Description:

Feature F-6037 adds support for H.323 Signaling. The H.323 signaling supports audio calls only. Refer to the information below for overview and configuration information.


Related Topics:

H.323 Overview 

Configure H.323 with GateKeeper

Configure H.323 without GateKeeper

F-6047 UK ISUP Interworking

Brief Description:

Feature F-6047 will add support for the interworking of the UK ISUP Calling Party number (CLI Calling Line Identity), Presentation Number, Generic Number, and National Call Forward Indicator parameters between SIP and SS7 UK ISUP. The interworking is based on ND-1017 (2006/07). In addition, the IMG 2020 will provide a configurable solution for the Calling Party's Number address digits which allow the customer to decide what address digits will be sent out to the SS7 side in the case where the Calling Party's number is unavailable. Refer to the link in Related Topics section below.


Related Topics:

SIP to UK ISUP Interworking 

F-6198 DOS Prevention for CPU Services

Brief Description:

Feature F-6198 DOS Prevention for CPU Services feature protects the IMG 2020 from Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS) attacks on the IP Addresses that make use of the CPU-based Services. This feature will provide Layer 2 and Layer 3 protections which manage the firewall capabilities and blocks many different types of DoS attacks. The Denial Of Service firewall is enabled and disabled through the IP Network object and is by default set to Enable. Refer to the links in the Related Topics section below for more information.


Related Topics:

IP Network Interface 

Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS) 

F-6199 AMR-WB 64K Transcoding

Brief Description:

The codec AMR-WB Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wide Band has been added to the supported codecs list for the IMG 2020. The AMR-WB supports the HD Audio transport format and can be transcoded to any of the other supported codecs. Refer to RFC 3267 to view the specifications of the AMR-WB codec. For information regarding what is supported on the IMG 2020 refer to the topics in the Related Topics section below.


Related Topics:

Vocoder Profile 



F-6202 SRTP

Brief Description:

SIP SRTP on the IMG 2020 supports RFC 3711 (The IP media layer security standard) and RFC 4568 (The IP signaling security standard). The IMG 2020 provides security, confidentiality, message authentication, and replay protection for both RTP and RTCP packets. This is achieved using a cryptographic key and other parameters that serve to configure security. To utilize SRTP over SIP, the IMG 2020 must first have the SIP Signaling over TLS Overview functionality configured. SIP Signaling over TLS was introduced to make the IP signaling layer secure. SRTP and SRTCP are added to make the voice and data secure over the RTP stream. Refer to the topics in the links of the Related Topics section below for more information on this feature.


Related Topics:

SRTP - Overview 

SIP Profile - SGP 

Physical Node - Direct Connect

SRTP Cryptosuite

Licensing (Gateway Mode) 

F-6203 SIP Optimization for improved Call Rates

Brief Description:

Dialogic has improved the call rate specifications on Release 2.1. For more information on specific call rates refer to a Dialogic Support Personnel and they can supply the latest call rates. Below is contact information.


Related Topics:

F-6250 IP Channel Segregation between SIP and L4

Brief Description:

Feature F-6250 modifies how the Route and Resource Tables are managed by the L4 Router. Since there can be multiple IP addresses that are assigned to the SIP stack, each individual Packet Facility configured can be assigned to a Media Endpoint (Media 0/Media 1). F-6250 works in association with F-1552 Multiple IP Networks for SIP Stack. All functionality and configuration information are provided with that feature.

Related Topics:

Packet Facility 

Configure SIP (Single SIP IP) 

F-6259 Dynamic Channel Density Management

Brief Description:

The Dynamic Channel Density Management Mode in the Physical Node object was designed to make use of the most possible IP media channels that are available on the IMG 2020 when utilizing multiple codecs. The IMG 2020 utilizes codecs such as AMR-WB which are very labor intensive and use up more DSP resources than other generic g.711 codecs. When codecs such as AMR-WB are utilized, the number of channels available drops. With Media modes such as LBR or Audio 3G, there are a set number of channels available that are statically configured at bootup. The Dynamic Channel Density Management feature does not statically set up the number of channels available but rather uses a Resource Point Pool. Each call with its configured codec uses a set number of resource points from the pool. The resource points are removed and replaced as calls are made and the number of resources depends on the number of DSP's available in the system. This scenario allocates channels dynamically so the maximum number of channels are used depending on the codecs being employed at any point in time. To aid the customer with the number of DSP's needed for each blend of codecs, a Media Mode Assignment Calculator has been created. With this calculator, different parameters such as the number of DSP's installed, the percentage of each codec that will be used, and if SRTP is used, can be configured. These parameters determine what percentage of the available codecs will be used. Once all parameters are entered, a total channel count available will be calculated as well as the channel count available for each individual codec. For more information on utilizing Dynamic Channel DensityCalculator, contact your nearest Dialogic Sales and Support Team Personnel at and they can assist with any questions related to the Calculator.


Related Topics:

Physical Node - Direct Connect 

F-6266 Upgrade/Downgrade System Software

Brief Description:

Upgrading software to a newer build takes advantage of newer functionality and downgrading the system software allows an engineer the ability to troubleshoot issues. F-6266 was developed to be able to upgrade the system software loaded in the IMG 2020. The following table displays what releases can be upgraded.

Supported Upgrades/Downgrades

Supported Upgrades/Downgrades




Version 2.0 (Any Build)

Version 2.1 (Any Build)

Yes  (Need to contact Dialogic Support Personnel  . Dialogic Support Personnel will need to assist any upgrades from 2.0 to 2.1)

Version 2.1

Version 2.0


Version 2.1 Build 123

Version 2.1 Build 456 (Newer Build)

Yes  (Follow upgrade procedure in link below.)

Version 2.1 Build 456

Version 2.1 Build 123 (Older Build)

Yes  (Follow upgrade procedure in link below.)


Refer to the link below for procedures on upgrading and downgrading system software.


Related Topics:

Software Upgrade/Rollback (Single Node) 

F-6293 P-Charge-Vector Support

Brief Description:

Feature F-6293 P-Charging-Vector Support adds support for the handling of the P-Charging-Vector private header (P-Header). The P-Charging-Vector Header used in 3GPP networks is used to pass a global billing identifier between different networks to correctly bill for services used by each network. The P-Charging-Vector header is mainly used to carry information that will correlate multiple charging records into one value during a single session. The P-Charging-Vector header is supported on the IMG 2020 during a SIP to SIP call only.


Related Topics:

SIP P-Charging-Vector Header 

F-6297 Message and Header Size Restrictions

Brief Description:

Feature F-6297 Message and Header Size Restrictions limits the overall size of any incoming SIP Messages, and limits the number of specific headers that can be contained in a single incoming SIP message. Limiting the SIP messaging reduces the SIP processing required for large messages which limits the complexity of SIP Processing and protects the SIP components from malformed or malicious messages. The Message and Header Size Restrictions feature is configured in the SIP Signaling object of the Web GUI. Refer to the links in the Related Topics section below for more information on this feature.


Related Topics:

SIP Message and Header Restrictions 

SIP Signaling - SIP 

F-6314 Initiate 3XX Response to Redirect call to specific gateway

Brief Description:

When receiving an INVITE request, the channel group that the INVITE is received on can be configured to respond to the INVITE with either a 301 Moved Permanently or 302 Moved Temporarily response. The response message that is sent back to the remote gateway contains the IP information needed to redirect the call. The feature is configured through the SIP Profile object and is configured using the Web GUI. Refer to the links below for more information.  


Related Topics:

Initiate 3xx Response to Endpoint 

SIP Profile - 3xx 

SIP Profile - SGP 

F-6405 Max IP Ports on IMG 2020

Brief Description:

Release 2.1 has increased the supported number of VoIP channels available for use. The supported number of VoIP channels has been increased from 2016 to 4500. As in previous releases, the number of VoIP channels available is controlled through licensing. For information on how to obtain the correct licensing for your specific application, contact your local Dialogic Sales or Support Representative at .


Related Topics:


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