Release 2.3.3 SP2 - An Overview of Features

FR-955464  - Apply BCI Override information to ANM and CPG messages

Brief Description:

The IMG-2020 is now permitting to insert BCI information to ANM and CPG ISUP messages where before it was restricted to ACM messages only.

Refer to the product Wiki pages below for configuration information about this additional capability.

Related Topics:  SS7 - Destination - ISUP Group - BCI Override     


R-809679 - SIP Cipher Suites update for TLS 1.2

Brief Description:

Additional list of Ciphers for TLS 1.2 are now supported by IMG-2020.

Refer to the Product Wiki page below for the complete list of TLS 1.2 Cipher suites supported.


Related Topics:  SIP Signaling over TLS Overview;  Configuring TLS ;  IP Network Interface; SRTP - Overview;  Configuring SRTP;  SIP Profile - Advanced Settings

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