Release 2.2 SP3 - An Overview of Features


FR6772 SIP Options 4xx/5xx Unreachable Response

Brief Description:

This feature adds an Unreachable response to SIP Options 4xx/5xx. Refer to the link below for more information.


Related Topics:

SIP Profile - Options Method - Busy Out-Keep Alive 

FR14396 Configuration to Skip E1 TS0

Brief Description:

This feature adds configuration to Skip E1 TS0. In the E1 protocol, Time Slot 0 is utilized for functionality such as frame synchronization and alarms. When configuring more than one DS-1 there would be a Time Slot 0 for each DS-1. When the IMG 2020 maps the CIC numbers to the DS-0s, the choice of whether to skip a CIC number for each Timeslot 0 or not skip a CIC number can be configured. Refer to the link below for more information.


Related Topics:

CIC and Channel Mapping Options 

FR14456 ISDN Null Dialed Number

Brief Description:

This feature adds a configurable dialed number for incoming ISDN call, when no dialed number is present in the call setup. Two parameters have been added, Null Dialed Number Substitution (enable or disable) and Dialed Number (specify what number to substitute for the incoming null dialed number). Refer to the link below for more information.


Related Topics:

ISDN Interworking 

FR15416 Dialogic-Called-Number-NOA VSA

Brief Description:

This feature adds a new Vendor Specific Attribute (VSA) to the RADIUS Access request message sent to the remote RADIUS server. The new VSA being added is labeled Dialogic-Called-Number-NOA (VSA #152) and is the Nature of Address parameter of the Called Party Number present on an incoming call. When a call comes into the IMG 2020, the Called Party Number NOA present in the incoming call is added to the RADIUS access message when pre-paid support is enabled. Refer to the link below for more information.


Related Topics:

RADIUS - Dialogic VSA's 

FR16396 AMR and AMR-WB Bandwidth Efficient Mode

Brief Description:

This feature adds codec support for AMR and AMR-WB Bandwidth Efficient Mode. Refer to RFC 3267 to view the specifications of the AMR-WB codec. Refer to the links below for more information.


Related Topics:


Supported Codecs

Vocoder Profile

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