SIP Profile - From Header Tags
Use this pane to configure how the IMG 2020 inter-works the ISUP Originating Line Information tag and ISUB Encoding in the SIP From: header. The SIP From Header Tags object allows the IMG 2020 to add or limit the ISUP Originating Line Information parameter and ISUB Encoding parameter between the incoming and outgoing leg of a call. These parameters can be inter-worked from SIP to ISUP and ISUP to SIP. See below for more information on configuring the ISUP Originating Line Information parameter.
If the SIP profile ID field in the SIP SGP object is set to ID:0 which is a default configuration, then the fields in the SIP From Header Tags object are set to a default value as well and cannot be changed. To allow the user to change the fields within the SIP Session From Header Tags object, the SIP SGP object ID must be changed from the default ID of 0 to something other than 0. Once this is changed then all fields in the SIP Session Timer object can be manipulated.
Web GUI Page
Dialogic > Profiles > SIP Profile (SGP) > New SIP From Header Tags
Maximum Objects
One SIP From Header Tag object per SIP Profile (SGP) object
Related Topics and Dependencies
Field Descriptions
Disable (Default) - The isup-oli value received in the Originating Line Information Parameter from either the SIP From: Header or ISUP IAM /SETUP message is not passed between the two protocols.
Enable - The isup-oli value received in the Originating Line Information Parameter from either the SIP From: Header or the ISUP IAM /SETUP message will be passed between the two protocols.
ISUB Encoding
The ISUB Encoding field is set to Disable by Default. See IMG 1010 - ISUB Encoding ISDN - SIP link above for more information.
Disable (Default) - When Disable is selected, interworking of the ISDN Subaddresses into SIP can not be accomplished.
Enable - When Enable is selected, the IMG 2020 will interwork ISDN Subaddresses to SIP isub. The isub encoding parameters will be interworked into ISDN Subaddresses.
UserName Bypassed
The UserName Bypassed field is used to configure the Propagate From Header between SIP Calls feature functionality. For the Propagate feature to function, SIP SIP Privacy must also be configured. Refer to the Propagate From Header (SIP to SIP) topic for more information on this feature as well as a Table displaying the username that is propagated to the outgoing side when the UserName Bypassed field and the SIP Privacy settings are fully configured.
Enable (Default) - With SIP Privacy Enabled, the username in the From Header of the incoming INVITE message will be propagated to the From Header of the outgoing INVITE message. The username of the P-Asserted Identity Header will be propagated to the P-Asserted Identity Header of the outgoing INVITE message. The username of the Remote Party ID Header will be propagated to the Remote Party ID Header of the outgoing INVITE message. Refer to the table in the Propagate From Header topic.
Disable - When the Username Bypassed field is set to Disable, how SIP Privacy is configured will determine the username that is propagated to the outgoing side. Refer to the table in the Propagate From Header feature topic.