SIP Profile - Proxy

SIP Profile - Proxy



Within the SIP network a SIP Proxy server manages the setup of calls between two SIP devices including the control of routing calls. The SIP Proxy server can also perform the necessary functions such as registration and authorization. Communication to the SIP Proxy server is configured on the IMG 2020 by configuring the server as an external gateway. The SIP Proxy object along with the External Gateway object are used to configure the various settings needed to communicate with an external SIP Proxy server. Refer to the information below. 

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > Profiles > SIP Profile (SGP) > New SIP Proxy

Maximum objects

One SIP Proxy object can be created per SIP Profile (SGP) object.

Related Topics and Dependencies

To be able to modify the fields within the SIP proxy server object, the SIP Profile ID field within the SIP Profile - SGP object must have the ID  configured to something other than ID:0. First, create a SIP Profile with an ID other than 0. Once this is completed, the SIP Proxy object created under that SIP Profile (SGP) object and can be edited/modified.

When creating and configuring the SIP Proxy object, the SIP Proxy is considered an external gateway to the IMG 2020. Before an IP address or Hostname is displayed in the IP Address or Hostname field of the SIP Proxy object, the External Gateway object with either the IP address or Hostname must first be configured. Once this is completed, the External Gateway configured will appear in the Gateway field of the SIP Proxy object. Once the External Gateway is selected, the IP Address or Hostname of the gateway selected will be automatically populated in the IP Address or Hostname field below it.

SIP Proxy - Overview / Configuration

External Gateway

SIP Proxy - Overview / Configuration 

Field Descriptions

Outbound Proxy

Enable - Use the Proxy being configured for routing.

Disable (default) - Do Not use a Proxy. Use internal routing tables.

Send Re-Invite to Proxy

Enable - All INVITE messages, including those generated as a result of Transfer or Redirect are sent to the proxy.

Disable (default) - INVITE messages that are generated as a result of Transfer or Redirect, are sent directly to the URL referenced in the refer-to header in the REFER message or contact header in 30x response.

Send Outbound Register

Enable - The IMG 2020 registers to Proxy/Registrar at power up.

Disable (default) - The IMG 2020 does not register to Proxy/Registrar.


Since the SIP Proxy server being configured is configured as an external gateway, All the gateways that are configured under the External Gateways object can be selected from the drop down list in this field. Select which gateway will be utilized as the Proxy Server.

IP Address

The IP address field will be automatically populated with the IP address of the External Gateway configured in the Gateway field above. If the External Gateway configured was given a Hostname instead of an IP address, this field will automatically default to Not Used.


The HostName field will be automatically populated with the Hostname of the External Gateway configured in the Gateway field above. If the External Gateway configured was given an IP Address instead of a Hostname, this field will automatically default to Not Used.

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