Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - SIP Proxy
Table of Contents
Use this pane to configure various settings for connection to a SIP Proxy.
Accessing this Pane
Dialogic IMG EMS -> Profiles -> SIP Profile -> SIP Proxy
Maximum Objects:
1 per SIP Profile (SGP)
Related Topics
Preceding Pane
IMG 1010 - SIP Profile - 10.5.3
ClientView Pane:
Field Descriptions:
Outbound Proxy:
Enable- Use this Proxy for routing.
Disable (default)- Do Not use a Proxy. Use internal routing tables instead.
Send Re-Invite to Proxy:
Enable- All INVITE messages, including those generated as a result of Transfer or Redirect are sent to Proxy.
Disable (default)- INVITE messages that are generated as a result of Transfer or Redirect, are sent directly to the URL referenced in the refer-to header in the REFER message or contact header in 30x response.
Send Outbound Register:
Enable- IMG registers to Proxy/Registrar at power up.
Disable (default)- IMG does not register to Proxy/Registrar.
Proxy Transport:
UDP (default)- Use UDP as a means of transporting messaging
TCP- Use TCP as a means of transporting messaging
Proxy Address Type:
Host Name- Use Hostname when communicating with Proxy Server. If specified the name is used in the Request-URI and other SIP messages.
IP Address- Use IP address when communicating with Proxy
Proxy Name:
If Proxy Address Type field above is set to Hostname, enter a name for that Proxy.
Proxy IP Address:
If Proxy Address Type field above is set to IP Address, enter an IP address for that Proxy.
Proxy Port:
Default port is Port 5060. The port can be changed by clicking in the field and entering the new port number