Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - SIP Headers
Table of Contents
The SIP Headers object is created under the SIP SGP object. The SIP Headers object allows the IMG to interwork one or all of the following headers in its outgoing messages:
Diversion Header Support
Time Stamp Support
P-Charge-Info Header Support
X-Dialogic ISDN Data
X-Dialogic Multimedia Call
Reason-header Local
X-Dialogic Carrier Selection
In software version 10.5.3 ER2 a feature was added which grabs the Diversion Header and Remote Party ID Header in a SIP REL message (4xx, 5xx, 6xx) and interworks them into a Redirection Number and Generic Number respectively. To enable this feature, set the 'Diversion Header Support' field drop down menu to 'Diversion'. For more information on this feature, see link in Related Topics below.
Accessing this Pane:
Dialogic IMG EMS -> Profiles -> SIP Profile -> SIP Headers
Maximum Objects:
One SIP Headers object per SIP SGP object
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - SIP Profile - 10.5.3
IMG 1010 - P-Charge Header - SIP to SS7
IMG 1010 - SIP Diversion Header
IMG 1010 - Interwork Diversion and RPID - SIP to SS7 REL
ClientView Pane 10.5.3
ClientView Pane: 10.5.2 - 10.5.3 SP4.3
ClientView Pane: 10.5.3 SP5
ClientView Pane: 10.5.3 SP6
ClientView Pane: 10.5.3 SP7+
Field Descriptions:
Diversion Header Support:
If this feature is enabled, the SS7 redirection information will be sent in the SIP Diversion Header in the outgoing SIP INVITE. See SIP Diversion Header link above for more information. See IMG 1010 - SIP Diversion Header for more information.
Disable (default)- No redirection information will be sent.
Diversion- SS7 Redirection information will be sent in the SIP Diversion Header in the outgoing SIP INVITE. In software version 10.5.3 ER2 a feature was added which grabs the Diversion Header and Remote Party ID Header in a SIP REL message (4xx, 5xx, 6xx) and interworks them into a Redirection Number and Generic Number respectively. To enable this feature, set the 'Diversion Header Support' field drop down menu to 'Diversion'. For more information on this feature, see link in Related Topics above.
CC-Diversion- Along with the SIP Diversion Header information, the CC-Diversion header field enables the IMG to pass call control redirecting information during the call setup. Call control redirection is the redirection of a call based on a subscriber service such as call forwarding.
History-Info- The IMG will insert the SIP History-Info Header into the outgoing SIP INVITE.
Time Stamp Support:
Enable- The IMG will insert the Timestamp Header in the format of: Timestamp: MMDDYYYYHHMMSS. This value is derived from the system time of the IMG. (After bootup the IMG uses Jan 1,1970 as its internal date or receives a proper value for the time through SNTP)
Disable- The IMG will not insert the Timestamp. However, actions based on the Timestamp are in accordance with sec of RFC 3261
Enable (Default)- The P-Charge-Info header coming from the SIP leg will be inter-worked into the IAM on the SS7/ISUP leg.
Disable- The P-Charge-Info header coming from the SIP leg will not be inter-worked into the IAM on the SS7/ISUP leg.
Generic Notification
Disable (Default)- When field is set to disabled, the feature is disabled and will not function.
Enable- When set to enabled, the feature is enabled and any CPG messages received from the SS7 side after the call has been answered will be mapped to a SIP INFO message with the header Generic-Notification:XY (XY is the Hexadecimal representation of the Generic Notification Indicator in the CPG message from SS7 side)
X-Dialogic ISDN Data
The X-Dialogic ISDN Data field is used to interwork a proprietary header labeled X-DLGCIsdnTunnelingInfo from SIP to ISDN. The header is initially sent in a SIP INFO message and is sent only after the call is in the answered state. The information in the SIP INFO message is information with regards to Malicious Call Tracing. Select from drop down menu to enable or disable the functionality. The interworking of the SIP INFO message is supported in a SIP to ISDN call only. Refer to IMG 1010 - ISDN Facility Tunneling in SIP INFO topic for more information
Disable (default)- Disable is the default setting. If a SIP INFO message is received while a call is in session, the SIP INFO message will be ignored.
Enable- Select Enable from drop down menu to enable the interworking of a received SIP INFO message with the header using the format X-DLGCIsdnTunnelingInfo: 621c<xxxxxxxxxx>. The proprietary header in the SIP INFO message will be interworked from SIP to ISDN.
X-Dialogic Multimedia Call
The X-Dialogic Multimedia Call field enables the IMG 1010 - SIP header indicating Multimedia call feature. The field is initially set by default to Disable. To enable, select one of the selections from the drop down menu. See information below.
Setting | Description |
Disable (default) | If call is for multimedia, no header is added to the SIP INVITE. If call is for audio, no header is added to the SIP INVITE. |
Multimedia Call Only | If call is for multimedia, the header X-DLGCMultimedia:yes is added to the SIP INVITE message. If call is for audio, no header is added to the SIP INVITE. |
Multimedia and Audio Call | If call is for multimedia, the header X-DLGCMultimedia:yes is added to the SIP INVITE message. If call is for audio, the header X-DLGCMultimedia:no is added to the SIP INVITE message. |
Reason-Header Local
The Reason Header, local field was added in software 10.5.3 SP7. The selections are enable and disable. When set to enable, if the resources needed to interwork a call from SIP to SS7 are unavailable, a cause code of 34 is generated. From the cause code, the IMG will transmit a 503 Service Unavailable message to the incoming SIP network. Where the initial cause code was generated from will be added to the 503 message in the Reason header. This feature applies to cause code 34 only and is supported on a SIP to SS7 call flow only. See below for more information.
Disable (Default)- When set to Disable, the following will be true.
Description | Sent Reason Header in 503 Service Unavailable message |
The 503 Service Unavailable message sent back to the incoming SIP network does not distinguish where the cause code of 34 was initiated from. The reason header sent with the 503 message will be formatted as: | Reason: Q.850 ;cause=34 ;text="No circuit/channel available" |
Enable - When set to Enable, the following will be true:
Description | Sent Reason Header in 503 Service Unavailable message |
If cause code is initiated from the incoming SIP side meaning the IMG does not have any resources available, the Reason Header sent in the 503 Service Unavailable message sent back to the incoming SIP network will be formatted as: | Reason: Q.850 ;cause=34 ;text=" No circuit/channel available,local" |
If cause code is initiated from the outgoing SS7 network meaning the SS7 network on outgoing side does not have any resources available, the Reason Header sent in the 503 Service Unavailable message sent back to the incoming SIP network will be formatted as: | Reason: Q.850 ;cause=34 ;text="No circuit/channel available" |
For more information on this feature refer to the IMG 1010 - Local/Remote cause code 34 in Reason Header topic.
X-Dialogic Carrier Selection
The X-Dialogic Carrier Selection field can enable or disable whether the ITU/ETSI parameter Carrier Selection is interworked between the SS7 and SIP protocols. When enabled, a new header has been added to the SIP INVITE message that displays the hexadecimal representation of all the information included in the Carrier Selection parameter.
Disable (Default)- If the Carrier Selection Parameter is received in a SIP INVITE message, the header is NOT parsed and NOT interworked to the SS7 IAM message. If the Carrier Selection parameter is received in an SS7 IAM message the header is NOT parsed and NOT interworked into the SIP INVITE message.
Enable- If the Carrier Selection Parameter is received in a SIP INVITE message formatted as X-DLGCCarrierSelection: xxxxxx, the header is parsed and interworked into the SS7 IAM message. If the Carrier Selection parameter is received in an SS7 IAM message, the information is parsed and interworked into a header in the SIP INVITE message formatted as X-DLGCCarrierSelection: xxxxxx.
Additional Information
The Carrier Selection parameter is interworked from SS7 to SIP and SIP to SS7.
The Carrier Selection parameter interworking is supported in ITU/ETSI only.
The IMG will interwork the hexadecimal data of the Carrier Selection parameter as it is. No modifications to the data are performed.
The data portion of the header is the hexadecimal data value of the Carrier Selection parameter displayed in the ASCII format. Refer to the example below.
Header | Description |
Example: | Odd/Even Indicator = 1, Type of Network Identification = 010 |
0x1 = Network Identification Plan | |
0x1230 = Network Identification |