Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - RADIUS Client

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - RADIUS Client


This pane configures a Radius Client for a single Physical IMG. Before configuring a client, at least one RADIUS Server must be configured.

In software build 10.5.3 the word Cantata in each of the Vendor Specific Attributres (VSA) has been replaced with the word Dialogic. All VSA names prior to software 10.5.3 will have Cantata in the name and all VSAs from software 10.5.3 and beyond will have Dialogic in the name.

Accessing this Pane:

Dialogic IMG EMS-> Logical IMG-> Physical IMG-> Radius Client

Maximum Objects:

1 per Physical IMG

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - RADIUS - Overview

IMG 1010 - Configure RADIUS

IMG 1010 - RADIUS Server

ClientView Pane:

Field Descriptions:

Radius Client Network Interface:

This drop-down list is populated with all of the Network Interfaces configured on this particular IMG. It is the responsibility of the user to make sure the interface may reach the particular server.

Authentication Port:

The port on the physical IMG that will be used to talk to the Authentication server. The Default is Port 1812 but can be changed by clicking in the Authentication Port Field and entering a different port number

Accounting Port:

The port on the physical IMG that will be used to talk to the Accounting server. The Default is Port 1813 but can be changed by clicking in the Accounting Port Field and entering a different port number.

RADIUS Server Debug Mode:

Off (Default)- If Radius is configured and the RADIUS server becomes unavailable, the IMG will not process incoming calls.  This is most typically found when the IMG is used to create CDR's.  Since the absence of a RADIUS server results in un-billable calls, the IMG has been designed to not process calls when RADIUS is enabled.  If this occurs the IMG will reject calls to the network with the following cause values:

    ISDN - Cause 41 - Temporary failure  

    SS7 - Cause 41 - Temporary failure

    H.323 - Cause 41 - Temporary failure

    SIP - 503 - Service Unavailable

On- When Debug Mode is On, calls will be completed whether the RADIUS server is active or not. The IMG will not require authentication from the RADIUS server to complete a call. Debug mode set to On is most typical when using RADIUS for debugging purposes such as tracking call failures, cause codes, etc while continuing to process calls. Billing information may or may not be logged depending on the state of the RADIUS server.

Prepaid Support:

Disabled (default) - The IMG will ignore data received in Radius Authentication Response messages.

Enable - The IMG will act on data received in RADIUS Authentication Response messages that the Radius Server may send pertaining to prepaid application. This will allow the IMG1010 to be used in a prepaid application environment.

Radius Prepaid Support Mode will be disabled if Radius Debug Mode is enabled. The two modes cannot be enabled at the same time.

RADIUS Time Format:

This setting determines the format that will be used in CDR in attributes that include time.

Legacy Format (Default)- This is the format used before the availability of the Time Zone feature (10.3.2  ER6). Use this for backward compatibility if you are not using local time.

Example: Dialogic-setup-time = "TUE FEB 20 22:24:45:270 2007"

Legacy Format with Timezone- Use this format to represent local time in CDRs.

Example: Dialogic-setup-time = "WED FEB 14 12:05:54:740 2007 -0500"

RFC - 2822 with optional day of week- Use this format to represent local time with optional day of week in CDRs.

Example: Dialogic-setup-time = "Tue, 20 Feb 2007 23:31:36.553 +0000"

Primary Authentication Radius Server:

The Server ID that is used as the primary Authentication Server. Select from the drop down list which is populated with all Radius Authentication Servers that have been configured. This field is Automatically populated with the first Authentication Server configured. If not using an authentication server select 'Primary Server Not Used'

Secondary Authentication Radius Server:

The Server ID that is used as the secondary Authentication Server. Select from the drop down list which is populated with all Radius Authentication Servers that have been configured. Drop-down list populated with all Radius Authentication Servers that have been configured. If not using a Secondary Authentication Server select 'Secondary Server Not Used'

Primary Accounting Radius Server:

The Server ID that is used as the primary Accounting Server. Select from a drop down list that is populated with all Radius Accounting Servers that have been configured. Automatically populated with the first Accounting Server configured. If not using an Accounting Server select 'Primary Server Not Used'

Secondary Accounting Radius Server:

The Server ID that is used as the secondary Authentication Server. Select from a drop down list that is populated with all Radius Accounting Servers that have been configured. If not using an Accounting Server select 'Primary Server Not Used'.


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