Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Physical IMG
- 2 ClientView Pane Software 10.5.2 and later:
- 2.1 Field Descriptions:
- 2.2 Monitoring Fields:
- 2.2.1 Connection State:
- 2.2.2 NFS Configuration Status:
- 2.2.3 Subnet:
- 2.2.4 Serial Number:
- 2.2.5 Motherboard Revision:
- 2.2.6 Motherboard I/O Revision:
- 2.2.7 Software Version:
- 2.2.8 TDM Group 0 Type:
- 2.2.9 TDM Group 1 Type:
- 2.2.10 VoIP Module 0 Status:
- 2.2.11 VoIP Module 1 Status:
- 2.2.12 Number of Internodal Connections:
- 2.3 Buttons:
- 2.3.1 Create Tree:
- 2.3.2 Query All Tags:
- 2.3.3 Help:
- 2.3.4 IMG Configuration Wizard:
- 2.3.5 Clear Software:
- 2.3.6 Download Raw File:
- 2.3.7 SS7 Remote Node Info (10.3.x):
- 2.3.8 Mount Status (10.3.x)
- 2.4 Object Table (10.5.0 and later) RCOMM Signaling:
To create a Physical IMG object in ClientView, right click on the Logical IMG and select New Physical IMG. The pane shown below will appear. Physical IMG's in the same Logical IMG do not have to be co-located. Physical IMG's do not have to be configured under a Logical IMG unless SS7 signaling is being configured and the remote nodes will have CIC's confgured on it that will be controlled by the links configured on the Master SS7 node.
In software build 10.5.0 and higher the ability to configure a Physical Node which is not under a Logical Node is accepted. In this case the physical node can be configured from under the Dialogic IMG EMS object. Right click on the Dialogic IMG EMS object and select New Physical IMG. This node however will not have the ability to configure SS7.
Accessing this Pane:
Dialogic IMG EMS > Physical IMG
Maximum Objects:
32 per Logical IMG
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - Adding a Physical IMG
IMG 1010 - Configuration Wizard
IMG 1010 - Monitoring the IMG Using ClientView
Previous Configuration Required:
In software version 10.3.3 in order to create a Physical Node you must create a Logical Node first. See IMG 1010 - Logical IMG
In software version 10.5.0 if you are configuring SS7 then a Logical node must be created first then Physical Node can be created. If SS7 is not going to be configured then there is no previous configuration and the Physical Node can be configured directly under the Dialogic IMG EMS
ClientView Pane for 10.3.3:
ClientView Pane for Software 10.5.0-10.5.1:
ClientView Pane Software 10.5.2 and later:
Field Descriptions:
This field specifies the Logical Node ID. ClientView will allow up to 32 Node ID's to be configured per Logical Group. This Node ID value cannot be reused or modified once it has been configured.
IMG Name:
This field specifies the name of the physical IMG and is edited by the user. Click in the field and enter the name that you would like to give this Physical IMG or double click in the field and it will turn white at that point you can enter the name. This field will accept a maximum of 12 characters. The following characters are valid
a-z and A-Z | Upper and Lowercase lettering |
0-9 | Numerals |
- | Hyphen |
! | Exclamation |
% | Percentage |
* | asterisk |
_ | Underscore |
` | Grave Accent |
' | Apostrophe |
( ) | Parenthesis |
[ ] | Brackets |
{ } | Braces |
< > | Angle Brackets |
IP Address ( nn.nn.nn.nn):
This field specifies the IP address of the physical IMG. Click in this field and a screen will appear where the IP address of the Physical IMG can be entered
IMG Type (In 10.5.0 and later, this is part of the monitoring fields):
This field specifies the hardware type of the IMG.
IMG 1004
Trunk Type:
Displays the Trunk Type of the Physical IMG. T1 or E1 is displayed.
Monitoring Fields:
Connection State:
Whether the Control Port is connected. Displayed as Link Up or Link Down
NFS Configuration Status:
Displays whether NFS server is available
Subnet Mask Given to Physical IMG. Click on this field and a box will appear where the Subnet Mask can be entered
Serial Number:
Serial Number of the IMG. This is serial number of the I/O
Motherboard Revision:
Revision of Motherboard
Motherboard I/O Revision:
Revision of I/O
Software Version:
What software version is running on the Physical IMG
TDM Group 0 Type:
Displays span trunk group status of TDM Group 0. Spans are T1, E1, or DS3 is displayed.
TDM Group 1 Type:
Displays span trunk group status of TDM Group 1. Spans are T1, E1, or DS3 is displayed.
VoIP Module 0 Status:
Displays the following:
Whether module is present or not
What Codecs are configured from Bootflag in DHCPD file
What type of module (Picasso or Mindspeed)
VoIP Module 1 Status:
Displays the following:
Whether module is present or not
What Codecs are configured from Bootflag in DHCPD file
What type of module (Picasso or Mindspeed)
Number of Internodal Connections:
The Number of Internodal Connection field displays the number of IMG's that are communicating/linked to the IMG selected through RCOMM messaging. This number changes depending on which protocol is being used (SS7,ISDN,SIP) and whether N+1 is being utilized. Below the Physical IMG Pane is an Object Table Tab. Once clicking the Object Table tab, a table displaying all the nodes along with IP addresses and status of the Internodal Connection State (RCOMM). See the "Object Table (10.5.0 and later) RCOMM Signaling" section below for more information and screen capture of Object Tab table
Create Tree:
This button will automatically populate the ClientView with basic IMG objects.
Query All Tags:
The Query All Tags button should be used before restarting GCEMS. The Query All Tags button will query all the configuration tags in the IMG(s) and display in a pop up box whether they validate or not. Prior to selecting this button if the GCEMS was restarted and configuration tags were not set, then that particular component in the IMG would be re-configured. Selecting the OK button on the popup will set the tags for any component not set. If the tag validates and GCEMS is restarted (IMG remains powered up and configured) then that particular component in the IMG will not re-configure.
This button will open up the online help manual. When the manual opens it will be opened to the section of the manual that is being displayed on the ClientView Pane. For Example if SS7 stacks were selected in ClientView and the Help button was selected thenthe online help manual SS7 stack topic will be opened.
IMG Configuration Wizard:
This button will open up a configuration Wizard that will help you through a basic IMG configuration. See Configuration Wizard in Related Topics above
Clear Software:
This button clears the software from the IMG and forces a hard reset – equivalent to cycling the power.
Download Raw File:
This button is used to download API messages that configure specific custom PPL’s. The API messages have to be included in a file named ' rawapi.cfg' that exists in the location /opt/dialogic/common/config on the GateControl EMS Server. If the messages in the file have a different logical node ID other than the physical IMG from which the button is pressed, the logical node ID will be overwritten. This allows sending the same file for multiple nodes without needing to modify its contents. If a message in the file is NACKed by the IMG, all the following messages will be not be sent.
SS7 Remote Node Info (10.3.x):
This button will display the RCOMM connection state. The RCOMM signaling is used as a communication device between IMG nodes. RCOMM send information between each of the nodes. One application for RCOMM is for remote SS7 applications where CIC's on a remote node are being controlled by a master node.
Mount Status (10.3.x)
Indicates if the NFS Server is available.
Object Table (10.5.0 and later) RCOMM Signaling:
On the right side of ClientView at the bottom is the Object Table Tab. When selected it displays IP address and RCOMM information. Below is screen capture of what the table looks like.
This Table shows the Node ID, what the IP Address of that node is and its RCOMM Connection State information. RCOMM is signaling that occurs between each of the IMG nodes within a Logical Node Group. An example of RCOMM signaling is when there is a master SS7 node that controls CIC's on other remote nodes. The RCOMM signaling is what accomplishes this.
Within the table above the RCOMM Connection fields have different states. In the example above it shows RCOMM with a state of 0x02. This is a normal state. Below is a table of the different states and what they mean.
State 0x00 | Link Deactivated |
State 0x02 | LINK_UP |
State 0x03 | LINK_DOWN |
State 0x05 | REMOTE_NODE_ADDED |
State 0x06 | REMOTE_SYS_BUSY |
State 0x07 | REMOTE_SYS_NOT_BUSY |
• REMOTE_SYS_BUSY/NOT_BUSY is generated when there is congestion on one of the remote links.
• LINK_DOWN is generated when there is no system software on IMG
• LINK_UNRESPONSIVE is generated when the Master node stops hearing from any other node for at least 300 ms.
• LINK_UNRESPONSIVE is generated between the LINK_DOWN and the LINK ESTABLISHING states.