Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - SIP Signaling Object

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - SIP Signaling Object

Table of Contents


To be able to make a call using the SIP protocol, the IMG must have the SIP Signaling object created and configured. Follow steps below to configure SIP signaling.Use this pane to configure SIP signaling.

Accessing this Pane:

Dialogic IMG EMS-> Logical IMG-> Physical IMG -> Signaling -> SIP

Maximum Objects:

1 per Physical IMG

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Overview of SIP

IMG 1010 - Configuring SIP Signaling

Pane 10.3.x - 10.5.0

Pane 10.5.1

Pane 10.5.2+

Field Descriptions:

SIP Signaling IP Address:

This field has a drop down menu displaying all the Interfaces configured under the Network Interfaces object. Select the correct interface that the SIP signaling will be on.

Local SIP Port:

This field defaults to Port 5060 which is the port that is used for SIP signaling when transporting over UDP or TCP. The port number can be changed by clicking in the Local SIP Port field and entering a different port number.

Local TLS Port: (10.5.1):

This field defaults to Port 5061. Port 5061 is the port that is used when communicating with an external entity using TLS. The port number can be changed by clicking in the Local TLS Port field and entering a different port number.

SIP Compact Header:

Enable- Select from a drop down where the Compact Header Feature can be enabled or disabled. If enabled the SIP will send an abbreviated message according to RFC 3261. A wireless application where bandwidth needs to be limited is a good reason for using compact headers.

Disable (default)- If disabled SIP will send non-abbreviated message.

Default Transport Type:

Select from drop down menu UDP, TCP, or TLS. IMG Defaults to UDP. TLS is supported in software 10.5.1+. If TLS is selected, this opens up a Secure Profile field and a Default Secure Profiles Field. The default transport type is only applicable when the IMG transmits a SIP call to another IMG controlled by the same GCEMS.

If communicating with an external gateway other than an IMG, use the Gateway Transport Type field in the External Gateway object. The Gateway Transport Type field in the External Gateway object overrides the Default Transport type field in the SIP Signaling object.

Default SIP UserName (AOR):

This field defaults to:

CANTATA-IMG0 - Software 10.3.X - 10.5.0.

DIALOGIC-IMG0 - Software 10.5.1+

To change click in the Username field and enter a different username. This field is commonly referred to as Public Address.

Default SIP Authentication UserName:

Username used for authentication to guard against hijacking.

Default SIP Authentication Password:

Password used for authentication to guard against hijacking.

Enable SIP-T:

Select from drop down menu whether SIP-T will be used. See Configuring SIP-T

SIP-T Behavior:

This field defaults to Not Used when SIP-T is not enabled. When enabled the selections Optional and Required can be chosen.

Optional- Optional is the default. If Optional is selected, and the far end does not support SIP-T, the call will not be released. When sending a response (18x, 200ok, etc.) to an inbound SIP invite the IMG will include the SIP-T mime data if received in the inbound invite.

Required- Select when the far end requires SIP-T. The IMG will add the SIP-T mime data to any SIP invite messages it initiates. If Required is selected, the IMG will not reject any SIP invites from gateway’s that do not include SIP-T

Privacy Support:

To enable Privacy for the entire GCEMS, set the Privacy Support field for the method supported by the proxy. All calls will be handled according to this setting regardless of other SIP Privacy settings on an External Gateway or ISDN/ISUP Group. See IMG 1010 - Configuring SIP Privacy .

P-Asserted only - The P-Asserted-Identity header field is sent in the SIP messaging. P-Asserted Identity is used among trusted SIP gateways etc. to carry the identity of the user sending a SIP message as it was verified by authentication.

Remote-Party only - The Remote-Part-ID header identifies the calling party and carries presentation and screening information

Both - Both the remote party info and the P-Asserted Identity is sent in the SIP messaging.

Off (default) - Neither the P-Asserted Identity header nor the Remote Party ID header is sent.

Remote IMG's SIP Profile:

Select from a drop down menu a SIP Profile which will define how another IMG should treat a call going to or coming from this logical IMG.

Secure Profile:

If TLS is selected in the Default Transport Type field then the Secure Profile field will get highlighted. This is a list of all the available secure profiles and once selected will be used when the IMG behaves as an external gateway. Select one of the profiles from the drop down list.

Default Secure Profile:

If a SIP transaction is received by the IMG on the TLS Port but the external gateway sending the call is not configured to use TLS security, the call will fail. To avoid this from happening you can optionally select a Secure Profile from the Default Secure Profile list. Then if an external gateway, not configured for TLS, sends a SIP message to the TLS Port the message will be processed using the credentials defined by selected default secure profile.

Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) (10.3.3 ER2):

The FQDN to be inserted in outgoing SIP messages when FDQN is enabled in the SIP Profile . See IMG 1010 - Fully Qualified Domain Name Support for more information.

Retry-After (# of Seconds)  (Default=5 seconds)

Select from a drop down menu the number of seconds (1 - 65535 seconds) the IMG will inform a remote inbound gateway to wait before resending a SIP INVITE message. The IMG informs the remote gateway by use of the Retry-After Header Field in its response. See IMG 1010 - SIP Retry-After Header - Transmit for more information.

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