Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Secure Profile
The Secure Profile pane allows you to create a Secure Profile. Creating the Secure Profile will allow you to assign a Trust ID to a remote IP element such as a Gateway. Once a Secure Profile is created, it can be assigned to the SIP Signaling Pane and/or the External Gateway Pane.
Accessing this Pane
Dialogic IMG EMS > Profiles > Secure Profile
Maximum Objects:
32 Secure Profiles
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - Certificate Database
IMG 1010 - SIP Signaling Over TLS Overview
IMG 1010 - SIP Signaling Object
ClientView Pane:
Field Descriptions:
Secure Profile ID:
A unique ID which identifies a Secure Profile record within the Secure Profile Database. This is automatically populated with the next available ID.
Secure Profile Name:
A unique name entered to identify this Secure Profile.
Trust ID:
The Trust ID field has a drop down list with all the Certificate Entries created under the Certificate Database.
Client Certificate Verification:
This option only applies to the server side and defines the behavior that the server will take while authenticating the client. A drop down menu will have the selections True or False
True - If true is selected the IMG will request a certificate from the client entity and validate it.
False - If false is selected the IMG will not request a certificate from the client entity.