SIP Profile-Diversion Header
The SIP Diversion Header object will enable the IMG 2020 to add a Diversion Header to the SIP outgoing INVITE message.
Web GUI Page
Dialogic > Profiles > SIP Profile (SGP) > New SIP Diversion Header
Max SIP Diversion Header objects
One SIP Diversion Header Object per SIP Profile (SGP) object.
Related Topics and Dependencies
The SIP Diversion can also be added depending on the incoming call. See link below for related information.
Field Descriptions
Add SIP Diversion Header
Select from drop down menu one of the following attributes:
Disable (default) - The Diversion Header is not added to the SIP outgoing INVITE message.
Enabled - A Diversion Header with the configured fields below is added to the outgoing INVITE message.
URI Type
Select from drop down menu one of the following attributes:
sip - SIP URI type will be used.
tel - TEL URI type will be used.
URI User Part
This field is to configure the user part of the URI used for the Diversion Header. Max number of characters is 32. Below are a few examples:
Digit String = 9054741990
Domain Name =
This field is to configure the reason parameter of the Diversion Header.
Possible values:
unknown, user-busy, no-answer, unconditional, unavailable, time-of-day, do-not-disturb, follow-me, out-of-service, away.
This field is to configure the counter parameter of the Diversion Header.
Possible values:
Not Used: No counter parameter is present in the Diversion Header.
1 to 9
This field is to configure the privacy parameter of the Diversion Header.
Possible values:
Not Used: No privacy parameter is present in the Diversion Header.
full, name, uri, off
This field is to configure the screen parameter of the Diversion Header.
Possible values:
Not Used: No screen parameter is present in the Diversion Header.
yes, no