SIP Profile - Options Method - Busy Out-Keep Alive

SIP Profile - Options Method - Busy Out-Keep Alive



The SIP Options Method is utilized on the IMG 2020 to add the feature SIP Keep Alive. The IMG 2020 can monitor the status of several external SIP gateways by sending periodic SIP OPTIONS messages. If the external gateway does not respond in a configured amount of time the IMG 2020 will mark the gateway as down and attempt to re-route the call to a different gateway.

The first piece of configuring the SIP Options Keep Alive feature is to create a SIP Options Keep Alive object under a SIP Profile (SGP) object already created. If the SIP profile ID field in the SIP Profile (SGP) object is set to ID:0 which is a default configuration, then the SIP Options Keep Alive fields are set to a default value and cannot be modified. To allow the user to edit the fields within the SIP Options Keep Alive object, the SIP Profile (SGP) object ID must be changed from the default ID of 0 to something other than 0. Once this is modified then all fields in the SIP Options Keep Alive object can be manipulated.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > Profiles > SIP Profile (SGP) > New Options Keep Alive


Maximum Objects

One Options Keep Alive object per SIP SGP object

Related Topics and Dependencies

The SIP OPTIONS Method Keep-Alive feature uses multiple objects within the Web GUI. First, create and configure the SIP Options Keep Alive object under a SIP Profile (SGP) object. The SIP Options Keep Alive object will have multiple parameters to configure as described in the field descriptions section below. Set each field accordingly. Secondly, within each external gateway configured is a SIP Options Keep Alive field. Select enable in this field. Lastly, the SIP Profile field in the external gateway object must have the SIP Profile (SGP) with the SIP Options keep Alive object created under it. Once the object is created and configured, it can be enabled or disabled using the INFO Keep-Alive Support field within the external gateway object. Refer to the topics below for more information.

If the SIP Profile field in the external gateway object does not have the correct SIP Profile (SGP) profile selected, then a set of default SIP Options Keep Alive parameters will be used.

SIP Options - Busy Out/Keep Alive Configure

SIP Profile - SGP

External Gateway 

Field Descriptions

Number of Responses (Default = 3)

The number of positive responses received from gateway before marking a gateway as up (in a reachable state). Drop down menu has selections from 1 and 10 (Default = 3).

Up Timer (Default = 120 seconds)

Timer to define the interval at which IMG 2020 will send the OPTIONS Keep Alive message to the gateway as long as the gateway is up and responsive. If the gateway does not respond within the timer specifications, the gateway will be marked as down and calls will not be routed to that specific gateway. The value can be modfied by clicking in the field and entering the new value. Range of Values = 10-600 seconds.

Down Timer (Default = 30 seconds)

Timer to define the interval the IMG 2020 will send the OPTIONS Keep Alive message to the gateway as long as the gateway is down (non responsive). If the gateway responds within the timer specifications, and the number of responses indicated happens, the gateway will be marked as up and the routing of calls to the gateway will resume. The value can be modified by clicking in the field and entering the new value. Range of Values = 1-120 seconds.

Unreachable on Failure (Default = Disabled)

If set to Disabled (default), any response (including failure responses) to an OPTIONS request establishes the peer as UP (reachable). If set to Enabled, the failure responses will establish the peer as DOWN (unreachable) – only 200 OK responses will establish the peer as UP (reachable).

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