Dialogic Voice Cards - Q-sig configuration guidelines for Diva Media Board
Introduction - What is Q-Sig?
Q-Sig is an ISDN D-channel protocol for signalling between nodes of a Private Integrated Services Network (PISN). This protocol is closely based on internationally agreed standards for ISDN. It was specifically designed as a protocol standard around which highly-featured and complex digital private networks can be built.
How to configure Q-Sig in conjunction with Diva Media Boards
With Dialogic Diva System Release for Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7 Q-Sig support is available for the derivatives ECMA-QSig and ISO-QSig (Q-Sig standards). Thus, the Q-Sig switch type can be used with any PBX based on one of these derivatives.
Q-Sig can be configured via the Dialogic Diva Configuration Manager if you highlight the ISDN Line Interface. The following screenshot shows this for a PRI interface and a Diva PRI card, but please note that Q-Sig is also available in conjunction with BRI interfaces and Diva BRI cards (e.g. BRI-2M, 4BRI-8M).
Q-Sig Checklist
The following points provide an initial checklist regarding basic configuration issues and how to resolve them:
1. Q-Sig is only specified for the ISDN Interface Type 'Point-to-Point' - i.e. you cannot configure/use this protocol in conjunction with a Point-to-Multi-Point interface.
2. Before you start to configure Q-Sig it is recommended that the Advanced View in the Configuration Manager (View -> Advanced) be enabled. This allows you to double-check some advanced parameters which are not visible otherwise (e.g. TEI - should be a fixed value, the default for Point-to-Point interface: '0').
3. In general it should be sufficient to use the following default settings in conjunction with the most common PBX types which are configured for Q-Sig:
Switch Type: PBX, Q-Sig
PBX Type: Generic
Q-Sig Standard: Automatic
If these settings do not work, then the requirements should be verified with the PBX manufacturer. It is only advisable to make changes to the default settings for the Q-Sig Standard if a qualified PBX technician has specifically recommended them.
4. Q-Sig has been successfully tested with a number of various PABX types, and you will find these in a drop down list under PBX Type:
If the name of your PBX matches one on the list and also matches the model number, you can select this as your PBX type. Otherwise please use 'Generic' since this works in most common scenarios.
5. For further background information about 'Switch Type', 'PBX Type', 'Q-Sig Standard', etc. you can highlight these parameters in the Configuration Manager and press F1.
6. Please note that it is essential to save and activate the new configuration file (e.g. Active_QSIG.cfg). If this is successful, you will be prompted to reboot the server and only afterwards will the new configuration become active.
7. A table of supported supplementary services for Q-Sig can be found in the Dialogic Diva System Release WIN Reference Guide.