Throwing Exceptions

Where appropriate Exceptions should NOT be generic. For a conditional catch a code should also be provided

PHP built in Exceptions

  •     BadFunctionCallException

  •     BadMethodCallException

  •     DomainException

  •     InvalidArgumentException

  •     LengthException

  •     LogicException

  •     OutOfBoundsException

  •     OutOfRangeException

  •     OverflowException

  •     RangeException

  •     RuntimeException

  •     UnderflowException

  •     UnexpectedValueException

  •     Exception

  •     ErrorException

  •     Error

  •     ArgumentCountError

  •     ArithmeticError

  •     AssertionError

  •     DivisionByZeroError

  •     ParseError

  •     TypeError

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