

As we move FreePBX away from using the PearDB object this article can and will largely change. Be warned.


This is a PDO Object, which is already connected to the FreePBX Database.

//Old PearDB Style, (Not Recommended) $array = FreePBX::Database()->sql('SELECT * FROM admin');    //New PDO Style $sql = 'SELECT * FROM admin'; $sth = FreePBX::Database()->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(); $array = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

Alternatively you can connect to another database to manipulate it's data

$database = FreePBX::Database('mysql:dbname=testdb;host=','dbuser','dbpass');   //Old PearDB Style, (Not Recommended) $array = $database->sql('SELECT * FROM admin');   //New PDO Style $sql = 'SELECT * FROM admin'; $sth = $database->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(); $array = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


/**  * COMPAT: Queries Database using PDO  *  * This is a FreePBX Compatibility hook for the global 'sql' function that  * previously used PEAR::DB  *  * @param $sql string SQL String to run  * @param $type string Type of query  * @param $fetchmode int One of the PDO::FETCH_ methos (see http://www.php.net/manual/en/pdo.constants.php for info)  */ public function sql($sql = null, $type = "query", $fetchmode = PDO::FETCH_BOTH) {}


/**  * COMPAT: escapeSimple - Wraps the supplied string in quotes.  *  * This wraps the requested string in quotes, and returns it. It's a bad idea. You should be using  * prepared queries for this. At some point this will be deprecated and removed.  */ public function escapeSimple($str = null) {} 


/**  * HELPER: getOne - Returns first result  *  * Returns the first result of the first row of the query. Handy shortcut when you're doing  * a query that only needs one item returned.  */ public function getOne($sql = null) 

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