Fonality - UAE Troubleshooting

Fonality - UAE Troubleshooting

Email Notification of Incorrect Salesforce.com Credentials

If you receive an email saying that your PBX cannot communicate with Salesforce.com then you should update your password and security token in the Fonality Web Panel. It is best to update both if you are not sure which field is incorrect.

Resetting Your Salesforce.com Security Token and Password

Note: Salesforce.com will not provide you a correct security token when changing your password and staying logged on - you must logout (see the steps below).

  1. Login into Salesforce.com

  2. Change your password

  3. Logout of Salesforce.com

  4. Log back into Salesforce.com

  5. Click "Reset my security token"

Updating the Fonality Web Panel with Correct Salesforce.com Credentials

  1. Login to your PBXtra Admin Panel

  2. Click ACD / UAE -> UAE settings

  3. Enter the proper values into the fields for:

    1. Salesforce.com Admin Username

    2. Salesforce.com Admin Password

    3. Salesforce.com Security Token

  4. Click Apply All Changes



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