UAE How To Map Agents to Extensions

UAE How To Map Agents to Extensions

This page describes how to setup your UAE integration so that it understands which Salesforce.com users are associated with each Fonality extension.



UAE Extension - User Mapping Setup

Mapping A PBX Extension To A Salesforce.com User

After you have installed and configured UAE for Salesforce.com and the UAE -> Settings page, you will want tell the PBX which Fonality extension belongs to each Salesforce.com username.

Review the steps below for mapping instructions, and then review the image and field definitions for more details.


Mapping Instructions

Perform these instructions after you have setup UAE and Salesforce.com .

  1. Login to your PBX

  2. Click UAE -> mapping

  3. For each extension you wish to use with UAE / CRM Routing, select the Salesforce.com username from the drop down Salesforce.com User.

  4. Check the box for Primary if this is the extension the user will use most often.

  5. Click Apply All Changes


What do all the UAE mapping fields mean?

Refer to the screenshot and definitions below:

  • Ext: The PBX extension

  • PBX User: The last name and first name which belong to this Ext in your PBX.

  • Salesfoce.com User: A drop down of the users available for your alesforce.com account. Use this field to associate a Salesforce.com username with a PBX extension.

  • Primary: Some users have multiple extensions, for instance a home and work extension. Some UAE features will call this persons phone and need to know which phone is the primary one. An employee who works in the office would have Primary checked for their work extension. An employee who works mostly from home would have the home extension checked.

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